Top of a Common Whelk (Buccinum undatum) shell.
County Clare, Ireland. Walking tours
The beach is art gallery and the common whelk (Buccinum undatum) is the resident artist. Whelk eggs washed up last January.
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#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #intertidal #whelk #eggs
That one time I caught an amphipod spying on me.
Balls of whelk eggs are mini ecosystems. You can find all sorts living inside! I’ve found amphipods, porcelain crabs and brittle stars. Just remember to put things back where you found them.
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#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #intertidal #beachcombing #amphipod #whelk