Eoin O'Beara · @eobeara
123 followers · 683 posts · Server mastodon.ie

I'm going to insist that at my funeral a stranger appears, and is dressed as a clown. They are to sit at the back and not do anything, just to freak people out. Maybe they could bring a balloon, but just one.


Last updated 2 years ago

Shaun Gardiner · @basementgarden
54 followers · 36 posts · Server mastodon.social

Some more writing - again, nothing polished, an off-the-cuff exercise. This goes in the metaphorical drawer now, if I come back to it later and think it passes muster, there'll be some tweaking and polishing.

#poem #poetry #freeverse #morningwriting #writingexercise #firstdraft #money #currency #death #whenidie

Last updated 2 years ago