When Love Breaks Down.
Sibling image to 'Absence Makes The Heart Lose Weight (Yeah)'
Exposed for about a week in late summer.
I used a custom-made contact frame of 70 x 50 cm to hold everything in place for so long.
Even after a week, some leaves have let no UV light through.
Title from a Prefab Sprout song. https://youtu.be/fMYbD7kK7fI
#cyanotype #blueprint #leaves #HeartShape #WhenLoveBreaksDown #PrefabSprout #LongExposure #ContactPrint #AbsenceMakesTheHeartLoseWeight #Sunprint #Spiky
#cyanotype #blueprint #Leaves #heartshape #whenlovebreaksdown #prefabsprout #longexposure #contactprint #absencemakestheheartloseweight #sunprint #spiky
Absence Makes The Heart Lose Weight (Yeah).
One of the first cyanotypes where I realized I could get colours other than blue, without toning, bleaching or other post-processing.
This is a big leaf, I forget the plant name now. The image is about 60 cm tall.
It's named after a Prefab Sprout lyric, from When Love Breaks Down.
During exposure, the leaf loses water and shrinks a little, seen this best at the edges.
#cyanotype #LoveHeart #PrefabSprout #blueprint #WhenLoveBreaksDown #Heart #Leaf
#cyanotype #loveheart #prefabsprout #blueprint #whenlovebreaksdown #heart #leaf