Xbox Games with Gold, annunciati i giochi gratis di luglio 2023
#Darkwood #GamesWithGold #WhenThePastWasAround #XboxLiveGold
#darkwood #gameswithgold #whenthepastwasaround #xboxlivegold
A nice review by #KatherinesBlog on #WhenThePastWasAround
When the past was around – Game review
>Last weekend I was looking forward to some gaming sessions and wanted to try something new. Aside from House Flipper, which I played for years, I’ve grown to like visual novels. I came across…
#katherinesblog #whenthepastwasaround #shareyourgames #gaming #blog #wordpress
4 videojocs relaxants per fer-te sentir bé
Recomanacions de videojocs que transmeten calidesa, comoditat i amabilitat amb l’entorn en lloc de l'acció intensa i la violència.
#Recomanats #Abzu #AlbaAWildlifeAdventure #CozyGames #PasspartoutTheStarvingArtist #RecomanatsTemtics #Videojocs #WhenThePastWasAround #Wholesome #Zen
#Recomanats #abzu #albaawildlifeadventure #cozygames #passpartoutthestarvingartist #recomanatstemtics #videojocs #whenthepastwasaround #wholesome #zen