Unpopular opinion:
It suddenly looks like Twitter is offering me some decent content to read and reply to.
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#WhereAmINow? (Final)
Have completed a key objective of my trip: finding the Bird Girl, the statue seen on the book cover of "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil". It was moved out of the Bonaventure cemetery where it originally sat because book/movie fans were trying to remove chunks as souvenirs.
Found her in the Telfair museum in Savannah, Ga where I have been this week.
#whereaminow #travel #bookstodon #classicmovies #cinemastodon #savannah
This is the mansion used in the film Cape Fear, 1962 version with creepy Robert Mitchum. Its's known as The Armstrong Kessler Mansion. Took photo on April 6. Look at the gold detail on the wrought iron.
In the movie, it was the scene of Nancy's school. Very much the opposite of the rough and rustic scenes where she later finds herself in great danger.
#whereaminow #classicmovies #classicfilms #cinemastodon #travel
This is the house where the murder happened in the movie "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil", taken yesterday (April 6). Now overlapping tours flow through the house all day. Recommend it highly.
Warning: If you see the movie or read the book (way better), you will become obsessed with getting in here.
Guess my location in a reply and I will Favorite it if you are correct. Search on #WhereAmINow? to get more clues.
#whereaminow #classicmovies #cinemastodon #bookstodon #travel
Notice the statue on the book cover. It's called "Bird Girl" and graced Bonaventure Cemetery in this city for years. "The Book" became so famous, on the NYT list for four years (a record) crowds of tourists came to the cemetery. Some broke off pieces of it and it had to be moved. I will try to find it on my trip this week.
Your friend has been accused of murder and the defense case is not looking good. Yet it's surprising that he has brought a Voudou practitioner to this place for help. This is latest in the strangest series of events you can imagine. You check your watch, and thank god that you are a writer, because it's....
Here I sit in Chippewa square in a park bench right next to where a movie character explained to us that "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get."
See alt text for a standard description and surprises.
Search on #WhereAmINow? to find more clues to where I am.
#whereaminow #travel #classicmovies
You may have heard that, during the U.S. Civil War, Union general William T. Sherman promised that freed slaves would receive 40 acres of land and a mule. And you may know that promise was not kept.
But WHERE did he make that promise? I'm standing on the exact spot. The Second African Baptist Church is behind me. Do you know the city where this church is located?
See alt text for the standard description - and more.
#whereaminow #travel #blackhistory #blackhistorymatters
A look up into the tree canopy of Oglethorpe Square on Wednesday April 5, a foggy morning. Old, gnarled Oaks, planted before the U.S. was a country, spread their limbs across a wide expanse. Thick growths of ferns grow on top of each limb.
Almost every one of the 20-plus "squares" in this city have a canopy like this, making a walking tour, and hanging out on a park bench, very enjoyable.
See al text for a description - and more.
It's a foggy Wednesday morning. Birds are singing. The deep horn of a container ship bellows.
Blueberry scone, granola bar and a cortado, then off to visit historical sites and many "squares" in this city that was planned from the beginning to have these small parks integrated throughout. In the sultry heat of the summer, they are a welcome respite from the unforgiving sun.
Location reveal is coming very soon. If you guess correctly now, I will favorite your toot.
I was eating dinner yesterday and looked out the window and a huge container ship went by. Look how close. Took it more than 5 minutes to go by it was so long. Containers were stacked unbelievably high.
Onlookers seem to agree that this is not something they see every day.
Search on #WhereAmINow?
to find other posts with hints as to my location.
Surprising historical buildings and movie connections to come. And a famous murder!
#windowwednesday #whereaminow #travel
This rooftop bar was built from an old power plant. It's called the Electric Moon Skytop Lounge. Kept its industrial feel, but has more dance music than traditional power plants.
It looks over a coastal river, complete with riverboats.
A very warm night, sunset, my Beloved, and a blackberry-based cocktail called a Blackout. Or three.
Read the alt text for more fun details and how to find more posts about the mystery destination. Reveal will be soon.
#whereaminow #traveltuesday #travel
What historical city am I in now? From my balcony, I'm looking at famous Oglethorpe Square. A noteworthy event occurred near here years ago.
More hints to come! When I post photos from this location through Saturday, check the alt text for additional fun details, not just a description. (New Mastodonians: Always complete alt text. It's what we do.)
#traveltuesday #whereaminow #travel