"Micro$oft Monday" is here again @ Mastodon !
Please chime in you people who've experienced THE HORROR, the cancer of Windows 10! ☢️ ☢️ ☢️
M$ jokes / switch to Linux stories after going through 9 circles ov Hell :perfect:
Helped other people towards Freedom and The Light Side? Sharing is caring and monday can be more funday 🐧
#deleteWindows #MicrosoftMonday #JokesOnMicrosoft #Windows10 #OhTheHorror #AbsolutelyProprietary #WhereIsStallman #Spydows #UsualSuspects
#deletewindows #microsoftmonday #jokesonmicrosoft #windows10 #ohthehorror #absolutelyproprietary #whereisstallman #spydows #usualsuspects