The trick, of course, is to not decimate the library while searching for a single best seller. Humans have a bad track record of that going back millennia. (See #Silphium.)
#Medicine #NaturalMedicine #WhereMedicineComesFrom #Penicillin #Digitalis #Tamoxifen #Aspirin
#silphium #medicine #naturalmedicine #wheremedicinecomesfrom #penicillin #digitalis #tamoxifen #aspirin
Traditional healers, herbalists, Asian-medicine practitioners and NDs already know this. It’s only the rate poorly informed person in pharma-land who is surprised.
“As of September 2019, over 50% of currently available FDA-approved drugs are either directly or indirectly derived from natural products.”
#medicine #naturemedicine #wheremedicinecomesfrom