@matoakit Pretty much. I remember the old scientology adverts that I would see, before the age of YouTube. What a telling sign that they no longer get thier believers to do the commercial. Now Miscavige has to do it himself. Not even bothering to have his wife....
...err wait.. nevermind
(#WheresShelly ?)
RT @MikeRinder
It’s Shelly Miscavige’s birthday today. #scientology leader David Miscavige wants the world to forget she exists and stop asking #WheresShelly. Please retweet. Prominent public figures should not be able to be disappeared. This is not N. Korea. https://www.mikerindersblog.org/happy-birthday-shelly-miscavige/
RT @MikeRinder@twitter.com
It’s time for #scientology to produce Shelly Miscavige. Thank you #jerrodcarmichael for raising the world’s awareness. @LeahRemini@twitter.com and others have been fighting for proof of her well-being for years. #WheresShelly #FreeShelly #GoldenGlobes
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MikeRinder/status/1613024981612462080
#scientology #jerrodcarmichael #wheresshelly #freeshelly #goldenglobes
RT @MikeRinder
It’s time for #scientology to produce Shelly Miscavige. Thank you #jerrodcarmichael for raising the world’s awareness. @LeahRemini and others have been fighting for proof of her well-being for years. #WheresShelly #FreeShelly #GoldenGlobes
#scientology #jerrodcarmichael #wheresshelly #freeshelly #goldenglobes
RT @MikeRinder@twitter.com
It’s time for #scientology to produce Shelly Miscavige. Thank you #jerrodcarmichael for raising the world’s awareness. @LeahRemini@twitter.com and others have been fighting for proof of her well-being for years. #WheresShelly #FreeShelly #GoldenGlobes
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MikeRinder/status/1613024981612462080
#scientology #jerrodcarmichael #wheresshelly #freeshelly #goldenglobes