Kathy Burke interviewing Carol Vorderman. Certainly made me chuckle. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/where-theres-a-will-theres-a-wake/id1654059310?i=1000625215984
#CarolVoderman #KathyBurke #Podcast #WhereTheresAWillTheresAWake #Death
#carolvoderman #kathyburke #podcast #wheretheresawilltheresawake #death
Vogue Williams' fantasy funeral was boring
Join the amazing Kathy Burke on all major podcast platforms as she looks at the funny side of death, and asks celebrities about their perfect way to die.
This is going to be dark humour at its finest!
Streaming from the 29th November
#kathyburke #kathyburkepodcast #kathyburkewheretheresawilltheresawake #wheretheresawilltheresawake #podcast #sony #sonymusic #somethinelse #gimmegimmegimme #kevinandperry #kevinandperrygolarge #scrubbers #nilbymouth #psychobitches #elizabeth #abfab #darkhumor
#kathyburke #kathyburkepodcast #kathyburkewheretheresawilltheresawake #wheretheresawilltheresawake #podcast #sony #sonymusic #somethinelse #gimmegimmegimme #kevinandperry #kevinandperrygolarge #scrubbers #nilbymouth #psychobitches #elizabeth #abfab #darkhumor