Delighted to say that 'Where the Seals Sing' will be out in paperback with William Collins/Harper Collins on July 20th!
#GreySeals #Writing #WritingCommunity #WritingLife #Writers #WritersCommunity #Nonfiction #WhereTheSealsSing #Memoir #Seals #Wildlife #Oceans #CreativeNonfiction #Paperback #NewBook #PaperbackPublication #OceanWildlife #MarineWildlife #WilliamCollins #HarperCollinsUK
#greyseals #writing #writingcommunity #writinglife #writers #writerscommunity #nonfiction #wherethesealssing #memoir #seals #wildlife #oceans #creativenonfiction #paperback #newbook #paperbackpublication #oceanwildlife #marinewildlife #williamcollins #harpercollinsuk
Lovely to have the opportunity to contribute a grey seal-themed article to the Tales from the Bush section of this month's BBC Wildlife magazine. A couple of photos of the one seal pup birth I've been lucky enough to witness accompany the piece too.
(And many more of my grey seal-watching stories from pupping colonies all round the coast of Britain feature in my work of #naturewriitng/#memoir, #WhereTheSealsSing, published by #HarperCollinslast year.)
#naturewriitng #wherethesealssing #harpercollinslast #writing #writingcommunity
To coincide with last week's Oceans on the Brink event, I was invited to write a piece about my years spent observing grey seals and thoughts on how we might nurture a more sensitive co-existence with them, for the Writers Rebel blog.
And, of course, my book, 'Where the Seals Sing', explores the co-existence issue and recounts my long-term connection with grey seals, in much more detail!
#WhereTheSealsSing #MarineConservation #Writing #WritingCommunity
#wherethesealssing #marineconservation #writing #writingcommunity
'Queen' is pushing it a bit. But still, what a lovely gift.
#WhereTheSealsSing #Stationery #StationeryLover #GreySeals #Queen
#wherethesealssing #stationery #stationerylover #greyseals #queen
'Queen' is pushing it a bit. But still, what a lovely gift.
#WhereTheSealsSing #Stationery #StationeryLover #GreySeals #Queen
#wherethesealssing #stationery #stationerylover #greyseals #queen
While the publication of #WhereTheSealsSing was the highlight of my year, growing #houseplants from seed has given me lots of pleasure in 2022.
Coleus of many hues. Clivia. Spiral aloe (aloe polyphylla). Chlorophytum orchidastrum 'green orange'. Cacti. Cape sundews (drosera carpensis). Swiss cheese plants (monstera deliciosa).... It's been a real joy.
#wherethesealssing #houseplants #houseplantsmakemehappy #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plants
Solstice seal silhouettes.
Wishing you all a cheery return of the light.
#WinterSolstice #WinterSolstice2022 #GreySeals #WhereTheSealsSing
#wintersolstice #wintersolstice2022 #greyseals #wherethesealssing
Solstice seal silhouettes. Wishing you all a cheery return of the light.
#WinterSolstice #WinterSolstice2022 #HappyWinterSolstice #WhereTheSealsSing
#wintersolstice #wintersolstice2022 #happywintersolstice #wherethesealssing
Delighted that an abridged extract from #WhereTheSealsSing was included in a recent issue of magazine.
(Although, as a struggling #insomniac, I was a tad alarmed to see it positioned next to an article on improving sleep to lower heart disease risk. 😲 🤭)
Delighted that an abridged extract from 'Where the Seals Sing' was included in a recent issue of The Scotsman magazine.
(Although, as a struggling insomniac, I was a tad alarmed to see it positioned next to an article on improving sleep to lower heart disease risk. 😲 🤭)
#WhereTheSealsSing #NatureWriting #GreySeals #Nonfiction #NonfictionBooks #Memoir #CreativeNonfiction #CNF #Insomnia #HarperCollins #HarperCollinsUK #Sleepless
#wherethesealssing #naturewriting #greyseals #nonfiction #nonfictionbooks #memoir #creativenonfiction #cnf #insomnia #harpercollins #harpercollinsuk #sleepless
It's #InternationalAnimalRights Day, a time for advocating that #kindness & respect be shown to all sentient beings. I'm thinking of the #GreySeals I encountered when writing #WhereTheSealsSing & of the human-induced threats they're facing, from #marinedebris to toxic pollution.
#internationalanimalrights #kindness #greyseals #wherethesealssing #marinedebris
It's #InternationalAnimalRights Day, a time for remembering & advocating that kindness & respect are owed to all sentient beings.
I'm thinking especially of the #greyseals I encountered during my journey round Britain's coast while researching & writing #WhereTheSealsSing and of the many human-induced threats they're facing, from #marinedebris to toxic pollution.
#AnimalRights #AnimalWelfare #MarineConservation #MarineMammals #CreativeNonfiction #CNF #Bookstadon
#internationalanimalrights #greyseals #wherethesealssing #marinedebris #animalrights #animalwelfare #marineconservation #marinemammals #creativenonfiction #cnf #BookStadon
Today is #LostSpeciesDay. With #WhereTheSealsSing having been published, I'm thinking in particular of the Caribbean monk seal, last seen in 1952 & declared #extinct in 2008 due to unrestrained hunting & overfishing of its food.
#endangeredspecies #extinction #marinemammals
#lostspeciesday #wherethesealssing #extinct #endangeredspecies #extinction #marinemammals
Today is #RemembranceDayForLostSpecies.
This year, with #WhereTheSealsSing having been published, I'm thinking of the Caribbean monk seal, last sighted in 1952 & declared #extinct in 2008, due to unrestrained hunting & overfishing of its food.
Another #pinniped, the Mediterranean monk seal, remains on the critically endangered list. In spite of #conservation efforts, fewer than 700 individuals of this once-abundant species survive.
#remembrancedayforlostspecies #wherethesealssing #extinct #pinniped #conservation #endangeredspecies #extinction #marinemammals
Honoured that #WhereTheSealsSing features here.
ICYMI, our most recent and always wonderful #silentbookclub reading list includes works by Anne Sexton, Susan Richardson (, Yiyun Li,, Alain Mabanckou (, Thomas Mann + more
#wherethesealssing #silentbookclub
What a joy to see #WhereTheSealsSing here! Big thanks.
Books, booklovers and the delicious questions they pose - the latest report from the east end #Toronto (extending to Jersey City, NJ, Pontypridd, Wales and Paris, France!) #SilentBookClub:
#wherethesealssing #toronto #silentbookclub
Today's #NonfictionNovember theme = #science. My work of #NatureWriting/#memoir, #WhereTheSealsSing, is full of #greyseals' extraordinary physiology. Like whiskers! With 10 x the number of nerve endings as those of many land animals, they help seals detect fish up to 100 ms away
#NonfictionNovember #science #naturewriting #wherethesealssing #greyseals
Today's #NonfictionNovember theme is #science & my work of #NatureWriting/#memoir, #WhereTheSealsSing, is brimful of #greyseals' extraordinary physiology.
Look at those #whiskers! Endowed with around 10 times the number of nerve endings as those of many land animals, they help grey seals navigate & locate food. They also have a wavy shape, bulging at intervals along their length like broad beans in a pod, enabling seals to detect fish up to 100 ms away.
#NonfictionNovember #science #naturewriting #wherethesealssing #greyseals #whiskers #creativenonfiction #cnf #BookStadon
Out of This Frame, the new album by the super-talented Rachel Taylor-Beales, is out today.
I first met Rachel while researching the #selkie chapter of my #newbook #WhereTheSealsSing, as one of her earlier albums, Stone's Throw, is selkie-themed.
Such a talented singer-songwriter/multi-instrumentalist/artist.
#racheltaylorbeales #OutOfThisFrame #newalbum #folk #folkmusic #singersongwriter
#selkie #newbook #wherethesealssing #racheltaylorbeales #outofthisframe #newalbum #folk #folkmusic #singersongwriter
Today's #nonfictionnovember theme = #memoir. I ❤️'s ecopsychological memoir in essays, Wolf Tree. As well as focusing on my travels to #greyseal sites, my own #WhereTheSealsSing tells a parallel journey: my father's experience of #dementia & how we've both adjusted.
#NonfictionNovember #memoir #greyseal #wherethesealssing #dementia