Connecticut’s ‘long’ legislative session begins. Here’s what to expect.
Author: Christine Stuart
#StateCapitol #ChristineStuart #ColinMcEnroe #Extra #JonathanWharton #wherewelive
#statecapitol #christinestuart #colinmcenroe #extra #jonathanwharton #wherewelive
Yesterday (photo credit Jaskon Lo Photography)
Winter Solstice at Snoqualmie Falls! ❄
#PNW #wherewelive
Today is the last day where I have to take the trash out before 8. I will not miss that part of this housesit. Nor the 35km-return trip to get groceries.
Next week? If I’ve forgotten anything, I can just walk up to the store, get my exercise, take the long way home past the ocean.
Housesitting here has been an amazing gift and insight into a way of life I could enjoy. But it’s also a reminder that my imperfect little life isn’t bad at all. #adulting #choices #wherewelive
#wherewelive #choices #adulting