The #IFLA should be fucking ashamed.
Not just because of their choice to hold the 2024 #WLIC in a place that threatens the safety of their #LGBTQIA members, but also because of their shamelessly craven attempt to justify that choice as "geographical #inclusion."
If you want to shield yourself from accusations of eurocentrism, Dubai is hardly your only option.
Human rights, IFLA... #WhichSideAreYouOn?
#ifla #wlic #lgbtqia #inclusion #whichsideareyouon #libraries #lgbt #lgbtq
Today in Labor History May 5, 1931: The Infamous Battle of Harlan County, Kentucky occurred. Also known as the Battle of Evarts, the strike began in response to wage cuts implemented in February. On May 5, a scab accosted a union worker, resulting in three deaths. Governor Flem Sampson called in the National Guard, which killed several more union miners. The Harlan County class war was the inspiration for Florence Reece's famous union song "Which Side Are You On?" The strike continued for years, with the miners finally winning in 1940.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #strike #union #FlorenceReece #WhichSideAreYouOn #scab #massacre
#workingclass #LaborHistory #strike #union #florencereece #whichsideareyouon #scab #massacre
#quote #quoteoftheday #quoteofthedaypic #quotestagram #quotestoliveby #WhichSideAreYouOn #dignity #BeingHuman #DevilsTowerNationalMonument #Wyoming #travel #travels #traveling #beenhere
#quote #quoteoftheday #quoteofthedaypic #quotestagram #quotestoliveby #whichsideareyouon #dignity #beinghuman #devilstowernationalmonument #wyoming #travel #travels #traveling #beenhere
Today in Labor History April 12, 1900: Florence Reece was born. Reece was an activist in the Harlan County, Kentucky, coal strikes, and author of the song, “Which Side Are You On?” She wrote the song in 1931, during a UMW strike, in response to Sheriff Blair’s thugs, who beat & murdered union leaders. Florence wrote the song on an old wall calendar while her home was being ransacked by Blair’s goons.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #FlorenceReece #Harlan #coal #mining #union #strike #WhichSideAreYouOn #umw
#workingclass #LaborHistory #florencereece #harlan #coal #mining #union #strike #whichsideareyouon #umw
#quote #quoteoftheday #quoteofthedaypic #quotestagram #quotestoliveby #GetOffYourAss #WhichSideAreYouOn #BeingHuman #MyDailyWalk #cat #TootervillePark #Grayslake #Illinois #BeenHere
#quote #quoteoftheday #quoteofthedaypic #quotestagram #quotestoliveby #getoffyourass #whichsideareyouon #beinghuman #mydailywalk #cat #tootervillepark #grayslake #illinois #beenhere
#Blogger #Blogging #Blogs
βιντεοπαρουσίαση: τα Ιστολόγια μου | my Blogger Blogs (...with Blues music)
#blogger #blogging #Blogs #seizethesky #seizetheclouds #whichsideareyouon #thoughtsonpaper #copperinart #άνεργοιανακυκλώσιμοι #ανένταχτοιπολίτες
There's a war against the environment.
#WhichSideAreYouOn #AmazonOrBolsonaro #WorldEnvironmentDay
#whichsideareyouon #AmazonOrBolsonaro #worldenvironmentday
While it pains me to link to anything on Pootube, I'll make an exception for May Day. Here's Florence Reece, late in life, singing the song she wrote long before:
#whichsideareyouon #florencereece #workersday #mayday
« Lors du procès de l'action #RogerWakeUp à Lausanne - les proches des accusé.e.s sont exclu.e.s et n'ont pas le droit de suivre les débats. La police protège celleux qui répriment et combattent les mouvements.
#WhichSideAreYouOn #RiseUpForChange »
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#rogerwakeup #whichsideareyouon #riseupforchange
#DefundBolsonaro #AmazonOrBolsonaro #WhichSideAreYouOn
#DefundBolsonaro #AmazonOrBolsonaro #whichsideareyouon
Tropical rainforests don’t burn naturally. The Amazon fires are caused by arsonists and politicians, big corporations, and international brands are the ones profiting from it. Don’t let them get away with it. #WhichSideAreYouOn #AmazonOrBolsonaro #StopTheFires
#StopTheFires #amazonorbolsonaro #whichsideareyouon
🌎💚🌿The Amazon matters to us all no matter where on Mother Earth we are. This is an important video to watch.🌿💚🌏#WhichSideAreYouOn #DefundBolsonaro #AmazonOrBolsonaro
#amazonorbolsonaro #whichsideareyouon #DefundBolsonaro
Campanha para salvar a Amazônia - Lançada pela Apib, Observatório do Clima, Mídia Índia e movimento 342 Amazônia, a campanha quer sensibilizar governos, empresas, investidores, e cidadãos para a destruição da maior floresta do planeta. É necessário tornar a proteção da Amazônia uma condição obrigatória para o desenvolvimento, os negócios e os investimentos.
#AmazonOrBolsonaro #whichsideareyouon #DefundBolsonaro
#TheTimeIsNow #WhichSideAreYouOn
No more games.
You're either with the greedy Corporate elitists who don't give a damn about our future or our planet
You're with #NotMeUs #BigUs as we stand in solidarity with #BernieSanders to fight for the quality of life everyone deserves.
#BigUs #notmeus #whichsideareyouon #thetimeisnow
Tell me,
which side are you on?
Which side are you on…
#peteseeger #whichsideareyouon #fediplay #nowplaying #folk
The same as Leith Depot threatened by developers, kids! It's farting suffragettes or hedge funds.
#whichsideareyouon #saveleithwalk