While people are debating #socialism I have started my local gallon on #whine in #malden near #nijmegen
#socialism #whine #malden #nijmegen
I *need* an RPG I can sink weeks and months into. I've Mass Effected to Ashley and Kaidens deaths, I'm absolutely not an FF player. Kingdoms of Amalur looked interesting but didn't entirely grab me, Kingdom Come made my kingdom come so quickly the experience sucked.
I lost 200hrs on Valhalla only to have the save bug after transfer to the SeriesX.
Odyssey is awesome but it's been done.
Ditto 2, Brotherhood, Black Flag etc
All this to say I need a Deadlands action/adventure/RPG game! #whine
Techies: So, anyways... what are you going to do now? Your site traffic has #collapsed, Canadian media #websites have essentially fallen off the face of the planet as far as the general public is concerned. Are you going to ask the #government to revoke C-18?
Government: We Shall ...
Techies: SHUT UP!
#Canadian #Legacy #Media: ... uh, we don't know. Is there a way that we get #paid, and we get the #traffic?
Techies: No.
CML: How about if we #whine really #loudly?
#collapsed #Websites #government #canadian #legacy #media #paid #traffic #whine #loudly #c18 #linktax
audiences and their applause are like heroin. I am a junkie. this town is making me jones something fierce.
due to circumstances, the last open mike I attended was last Saturday and the next one is a week from next Sunday.
there’s another one I’ve wanted to attend, but you have to sign up on their Facebook page. that’s so out of touch they might as well require you to have a Myspace account.
who’s in charge of their web presence? they should be replaced.
While we're at it, can I also whine about the names of the macOS’s??? there is NO ORDERING IMPLIED by Places In California, so when i see things like “if BigSurOrLater" I have to stop and look up which one BigSur was, and if this code is relevant to my interest anymore, and I'm just like THERE ARE VERSION NUMBERS FOR A REASON, WORLD!! #whine #part2
I know I'm shockingly late to this gripe-fest, but the Ventura System Prefs are making me feel _dumb_, and I do not like it. >.< #whine
why is losing weight when you're old so damned hard? If I could knock off 15 pounds my back would be so much more comfortable...but short of eating 800 calories daily I can't budge this flab. #Whine.
My janky knee REALLY hurts, today. Like... more than usual.
I'm really confused, though, because I don't recall having done anything bad to it. I did go to the gym, before work, but it wasn't leg day!
I had been thinking about going BACK to the gym to swim after work, but here I am (on my sofa), and here I will stay (until bedtime).
I am ill! I've been ill since Monday night and not complained until now! I don't know what I have (not Covid), but it is annoying and I am restless and wanna go out, but everything more or less hurts. #whine
Today's rain, which as recently as last night was forecast for all day today, is now predicted to start mid-evening. Which of course I believe. The entire weekend forecast essentially collapsed.
Anticipating rainy days based on forecasts is like having Lucy hold the football. The timing is similar too, with the last-minute fades.
And yet I still believe each new prediction. Demonstration of Gell-Mann Amnesia I think.
why is it that green is always what is sacrifiiced for nice things
why can't we sacrifice pavement ?
Still annoyed that under-counter coffemakers seem to have gone out of favor. Or out of production, anyway. All at once, and just within the last few years apparently. I had one in a good spot for ages, and it died beyond my ability to repair it. Very surprised to find I couldn't really find a replacement. I don't have counter space to spare for a new gadget, and single-use pour-over, which I've been doing, isn't a long-term answer.
It’s currently 80°F (26°C) outside, and it’s sunny, and a slight breeze, and I gotta be stuck in SQL hell for the next few hours. Excuse me while I go whine and pout for a little bit 😭😭😭. #BearsOfMastodon #GayCub #Queer #Whine #BrattyBoy #IDontWantToAdult
#bearsofmastodon #gaycub #queer #whine #brattyboy #idontwanttoadult
I popped the highest spell slot I have free (lv 5); I got 4d8 healing. i rolled 3 1's. :rage: total healing was 17. on a lv 5 cure wounds. #whine #theConsequences
#rant #whine
#twitter is still better
I have yet to see this level of information here on tusker
of course that could be me
Google tells me "You're invited to try Bard" and there's a button that says "Sign up" - I think I mentioned this the other day. When I click "sign up" it says I can join a wait list. In what sense was this an invitation, and how does "sign up" mean join a waitlist.
Yeah I'm being picky and maybe too literal. (what, me?) I also haven't tooted much in a while, so I #whine
But what if I don't _wanna_ do a time change #whine #daylightsavings #dst #no #stopit #leavetheclocksalone
#whine #daylightsavings #dst #no #stopit #leavetheclocksalone
And another thing that bugs me. So many videos nowadays overlaid with ambient/emo/electro/etc music. Why? It's just annoying. Not only in amateur uploads but professional and news videos too. As if videos weren't bad enough ;)