Why don't you ever hear about dervishes that don't whirl? Is it because they all do, or that they can't get famous unless they do? 🤔
Just breathtaking 🤩🙌 a beautiful performance by a flock of starlings 🐦 These murmurations are created by a swooping mass of thousands of birds whirling in the sky before settling down for the evening 🌅
Location: Gronsveld, NL
#spreeuw #spreeuwen #zwerm #starling #starlings #vliegen #flying #murmuration #flock #vogels #birds #performance #nature #natuur #phenomenon #verschijnsel #schoonheid #beauty #fauna #show #shape #sky #pattern #patroon #whirling #wervelen #migration #winter #dance #unity
#spreeuw #spreeuwen #zwerm #starling #starlings #vliegen #Flying #murmuration #flock #vogels #birds #performance #nature #natuur #phenomenon #verschijnsel #schoonheid #beauty #fauna #show #shape #Sky #pattern #patroon #whirling #wervelen #migration #winter #dance #unity
Gestern ist der „Moderne Tanz aus Deutschland“ in die UNESCO-Liste für immaterielles Kulturerbe aufgenommen worden.
Die Zeichnung zeigt die Ausdruckstänzerin Mary Wigman (1886-1973) in einer Pose ihres Tanzes „Monotonie“ (Drehtanz) von 1926. /2
#UnescoListe #modernerTanz #UNESCO #Ausdruckstanz #MaryWigman #Wigman #Monotonie #Laban #RudolfvonLaban #immaterielleskulturerbe #Drehtanz #whirling #Derwischtanz #tanz #Tanzmoderne
#unescoliste #modernertanz #unesco #ausdruckstanz #marywigman #wigman #monotonie #laban #rudolfvonlaban #immaterielleskulturerbe #drehtanz #whirling #derwischtanz #tanz #tanzmoderne
what makes you smile
#shaddowwork #shaddowworker #sculptressnblue #imapieceofshit #shewiththekey #opendoor #whirling #builtonsand #smile #makeyouhappy #audius @AudiusProject #podcast #podcaster #news
#shaddowwork #shaddowworker #SculptressNBlue #imapieceofshit #shewiththekey #opendoor #whirling #builtonsand #smile #MakeYouHappy #audius #podcast #podcaster #news