Ars Technica: OpenAI to host its first developer conference on November 6 in San Francisco #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #DeveloperConference #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #samaltman #WhisperAI #ChatGPT #chatgtp #Biz&IT #dall-e #DevDay #openai #GPT-3 #GPT-4 #Tech #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #developerconference #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #samaltman #whisperai #chatgpt #chatgtp #biz #dall #devday #openai #gpt #ai
OpenAI to host its first developer conference on November 6 in San Francisco - Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)
On Wednesday, OpenAI announced ... - #developerconference #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #samaltman #whisperai #chatgpt #chatgtp #biz #dall-e #devday #openai #gpt-3 #gpt-4 #tech #ai
#ai #tech #gpt #openai #devday #dall #biz #chatgtp #chatgpt #whisperai #samaltman #machinelearning #largelanguagemodels #developerconference
The voice programming and dictation software, talon, is all but a necessity for me at this point. I went several months without using dictation at all, simply relying on my 8-key keyboard, but I found myself slacking on writing tasks after while, which became distressing. So I finally switched back to talon after wrangling jack for a bit on a newer laptop.
Despite having tremendous community support and development, the source code for talon itself isn't, and seemingly will never be, #FOSS. This is distressing for a number of reasons: developer lock-in, and inability to fix nagging issues -- solutions to which were placed behind a paywall months ago, with no signs of being released to the general public any time soon.
At this point I only really need dictation support, as everything else is pretty manageable on my keyboard. And yet, unless I'm missing something, I don't think that there's any viable solutions of this point, at least not yet. This is despite several open source STT libraries being available for years, and with even more machine learning based implementations coming through the pipeline soon. Wild.
Maybe I should give VOSK another try today!
#accessibility #dictation #whisperai #talon #foss
#openai #cli tool for transcribing audio to text "Whisper AI"
#linuxtool #Linux #LinuxAudio #whisperai #cli #openai
#openai #cli tool for transcribing audio to text "Whisper AI"
#linuxtool #Linux #LinuxAudio #whisperai #cli #openai
Cool someone has made a .net library for local running Whisper for .net . One of my favourite ML projects, it transcribes audio or video and can even translate & generate subtitle files. #dotnet #csharp #whisperai
Si bien el bot para transcribir audio a texto es simple, funcionaba bastante bienen hardware modesto.
#openai #whisper #whisperai #whisperbot #xmpp
So, I appear to have found a problem with the #WhisperAI command line interface, but don’t know how communicate it to the authors (on github). Anyone have any insights on how to do this?
I installed #WhisperAI locally on my laptop, and it is doing a *great* job of generating #subtitle files for my videos.
I do feel slightly guilty about using it -- the question is, to what extent was the video actually created by AI instead of by me?
Wonder how much € would be saved if people only knew about free and/or open source solutions. #whisperai #whispercpp #subtitleedit
#whisperai #whispercpp #subtitleedit
¿Qué piensas de los modelos generativos #IA?
He usado Dall-e, ChatGPT y recientemente Whisper desde la terminal de comandos.
Al principio estaba crudamente inquieto, pero cada nuevo uso y aplicacion que empiezo a notar que existe doy cuenta que esa inquietud cargada de miedo se va transformando en inquietud con menos miedo y mas curiosidad.
#AI #dalle #chatgpt #WhisperAI #inteligenciaarticial #recomiendameunlibrodeAsimov
#ia #ai #dalle #chatgpt #whisperai #inteligenciaarticial #recomiendameunlibrodeasimov
Everyone knows I love doing cool stuff with #code, and last night I built a #wxPython gui for the #whisperAI transcription library and put it on GitHub. I have a lot to do on it, but it is really neat. Check it out.