ZEIT ONLINE: "Football Leaks": Fußball-Hacker Rui Pinto zu Bewährungsstrafe verurteilt https://www.zeit.de/sport/2023-09/rui-pinto-football-leaks-urteil-bewaehrung
Last week, Dan Friedman and David Corn wrote about a matter that David thought was a big deal but that so far has not drawn much notice: An FBI #whistleblower alleged that a top adviser to Donald Trump was co-opted by Russian intelligence. The adviser is Rudy Giuliani.
FBI agent based in the Los Angeles area filed a statement this summer with the Senate Judiciary Committee that outlined a series of explosive charges...these are serious allegations warranting attention. https://link.motherjones.com/public/32653037
Zahlreiche Prominente aus Politik, Medien und Kultur fordern in einem offenen Brief Annalena #baerbock auf, sich bei der Regierung der #USA für die Freilassung des #Whistleblower #Assange einzusetzen:
#assange #whistleblower #usa #baerbock
@mark @georgetakei yep, seems like #FBI #whistleblower confirming #Giuliani connection to Russians going into 2020
"America's Mayor" 🙄
A New Rudy Scandal: FBI Agent Says #Giuliani Was Co-opted by Russian Intelligence – Mother Jones
> The #whistleblower says his probe of Giuliani's ties to suspected #Russian operatives was thwarted.
>>An #FBI whistleblower filed a statement asserting that Giuliani “may have been compromised” by Russian intelligence while working as a lawyer and adviser to #Trump during the 2020 campaign.
#Trump #FBI #Russian #whistleblower #giuliani
A quick summary
«An #FBI #Whistleblower filed a statement asserting that #RudyGiuliani “may have been compromised” by #RussianIntelligence while working as a lawyer and adviser to #Trump during the #2020electiom campaign.
That contention is among a host of explosive assertions from #JohnathanBuma, an FBI agent who also says that an investigation involving Giuliani’s activities was stymied within the bureau.»
#fbi #whistleblower #rudygiuliani #russianintelligence #trump #2020electiom #johnathanbuma
Exclusive: Disabled people are ‘set up to fail’ by the DWP in target-driven disability benefits system, whistleblowers reveal
#dwp #disabled #whistleblower #SetUpToFail #pip #TheBigIssue
Per Frances #Haugen, Mark #Zuckerberg è prigioniero di #Facebook
La #whistleblower che ha rivelato al #mondo i #segreti della #piattaforma ci ha parlato di futuro dei #social, dei rischi dell' #AI e del perché prova “pena” per il capo di #Meta
#Haugen #zuckerberg #facebook #whistleblower #mondo #segreti #piattaforma #social #ai #meta
Chilling NHS warning that scandals will be covered up as staff say whistleblowers are ignored | The Independent
#nhs #coverup #whistleblower #NHSManagement #NHSstaff #Letby
Lucy Letby case: more babies face harm unless NHS ends ‘defensive leadership’ | Lucy Letby | The Guardian
#Letby #nhs #NHSManagement #whistleblower #safety #patientsafety
🪧 July 6, 2023: According to Tara Lee Rodas, a Health and Human Services #whistleblower, in testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement on April 26: – gatestone institute https://companiesexpress.wordpress.com/2023/07/19/%f0%9f%aa%a7-july-6-2023-according-to-tara-lee-rodas-a-health-and-human-services-whistleblower-in-testimony-before-the-house-judiciary-subcommittee-on-immigration-integrity-security-and-enforcem/
#Whistleblower-Meldestellen im Justizbereich https://orf.at/stories/3328945/
Chilling NHS warning that scandals will be covered up as staff say whistleblowers are ignored | The Independent
Whistleblower Claims #JoeBiden Will LOCKDOWN The Country AGAIN – The People Must Openly Disobey Any & All #Lockdowns (Video) - “Resistance to #tyranny is obedience to #God.” – #JohnKnox #resistance #Biden #fjb #letsgobrandon #country #lockdown #whistleblower - https://thewashingtonstandard.com/whistleblower-claims-biden-will-lockdown-the-country-again-the-people-must-openly-disobey-any-all-lockdowns-video/
#JoeBiden #lockdowns #tyranny #god #JohnKnox #resistance #Biden #FJB #LetsGoBrandon #country #lockdown #whistleblower
HackRead: Whistleblower Leak Reveals Tesla Data Breach, Affects 75,000 https://www.hackread.com/whistleblower-leak-tesla-data-breach/ #WhistleBlower #databreach #Security #ElonMusk #security #Privacy #LEAKS #Tesla
#whistleblower #databreach #security #elonmusk #privacy #leaks #tesla
"#Mitarbeiter als #whistleblower Wenn #beschaftigte zu #Hinweisgebern werden"
#hinweisgebern #beschaftigte #whistleblower #mitarbeiter
The European Commission (EC) demands hefty fines from #Estonia for late implementation of two EU directives. Estonia has failed to transpose the #whistleblower directive into national law. Also, the EC has initiated #infringement procedures against Estonia over the European #Competition Network directive.
#competition #infringement #whistleblower #estonia
#ComplianceManagement – Umsetzung der #Whistleblower Richtlinie
#MOOC heute abgeschlossern
EU-Richtlinie muss von D in nationales Recht umgesetzt werden:
Beschäftigte sollen Möglichkeit haben, Verstöße und #Missstände in ihrer Organisation zu melden, ohne Repressalien zu erleiden, z.B. durch Mobbing oder Jobverlust.
Unternehmen ab 50 Beschäftigte müssen eigene #Meldestellen für #hinweisgebendePersonen einrichten.
#Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz @Hasso_Plattner_Institute
#compliancemanagement #whistleblower #mooc #missstande #meldestellen #hinweisgebendepersonen #hinweisgeberschutzgesetz
Consultants were told to apologise to nurse for raising concerns, court told | The Independent
#Letby #consultants #whistleblower #ManchesterCrownCourt #CountessOfChesterHospital #neonatal
Die Geheimdienste der #USA verstecken #Ufo|s und verheimlichen der Welt die Existenz von #Aliens -
mit diesen Aussagen schockte #Whistleblower #DavidGrusch diesen Sommer die ganze Welt.
#fakebusters #Podcast
#Podcast #fakebusters #davidgrusch #whistleblower #aliens #ufo #usa