#whistleblowonafictionalcharacter? Hmm I’d rather not, but we all know that Yoshi committed tax fraud, right?
#WhistleBlowOnAFictionalCharacter #HashtagGames
Patrick Bateman's business card really wasn't that great.
#whistleblowonafictionalcharacter #hashtaggames
We have two #HashtagGames trending in the Top Ten right now across instances.
#WhistleBlowOnAFictionalCharacter and #CheeseASongBookOrShow
Our games are played on dozens of instances, most nights over 60, sometimes exceeding 100, across different types of Fediverse servers, not just Mastodon.
When I started on 9/16/2022, I never imaged my once per night game would grow like this.
Keep playing,
~ @paul
#hashtaggames #whistleblowonafictionalcharacter #cheeseasongbookorshow
"Q" is the LARP persona primarily authored by a neo-nazi named Ron Watkins. It has been uesd to spread toxic conspiracies, substantially benefits Trump, and was significant in the Jan. 6 element of the attempted coup.
#whistleblowonafictionalcharacter #hashtaggames
Aladdin's use of a scimitar in Disney's "Aladdin" would actually be a felony charge -- Agrabah is not a "stand your ground" kingdom
Repeated laboratory safety violations
#whistleblowonafictionalcharacter #hashtaggames
The Famous Five were not famous. They had no endorsement deals for ginger beer, they had no Insta account for photos of Timmy, and even their own Uncle Quentin seemed vague as to who they were.
Hey Ishmail, I'm pretty sure you. lied to the first made about Queequeg being a Christian...
#HashtagGames #whistleblowonafictionalcharacter
#WhistleBlowOnAFictionalCharacter #HashtagGames
I’d like to report the following:
The Skipper violated several maritime laws which caused the SS Minnow to wreck
The Professor isn’t even a real professor, he’s just crazy
The Howells are wealthy because they cheat on their taxes (have done for years)
Ginger and Mary Ann appear to be running a prostitution ring for the natives, with Gilligan as the pimp
#HashtagGames #whistleblowonafictionalcharacter
Sweeny Todd is secretly up there in the barbershop over the pie shop not being charming at all. Literally just not attractive. One might go as far as to say off-putting.
Jill saw Jack with Little Bo Peep. He did not fall down and those sheep never did come home. Jill then went full Annie Wilkes on Jack when he ran home. Jack then lived out his days sat in a corner mindlessly saying, “what a good boy am I.”
William Afton's favourite colour isn't actually purple, it's yellow #WhistleBlowOnAFictionalCharacter #HashtagGames
#whistleblowonafictionalcharacter #hashtaggames
Dr Doolittle bought his qualifications from a degree farm.
#HashtagGames #whistleblowonafictionalcharacter
Davros was incontinent. That thing he was steering was a motorised portaloo.
#HashtagGames #whistleblowonafictionalcharacter
Wolverine favorite hobby is chopping salad.
#whistleblowonafictionalcharacter #HashtagGames
Ariel’s breath stinks of rotting fish.
#HashtagGames #whistleblowonafictionalcharacter
How come you keep meeting people when you where no man has gone before?
#HashtagGames #whistleblowonafictionalcharacter
That sticky substance on Spider-Man’s hands wasn’t always web.
#HashtagGames #whistleblowonafictionalcharacter
God doesn’t care what you eat on a Friday.
#HashtagGames #whistleblowonafictionalcharacter