@ophiocephalic @TheWildHuntNews
Dear Rep. Moron;
The #BlackHills is a sacred site for #NativeAmericans who were granted exclusive rights under the #TreatyOfFortLarami [1].
It was cool until gold was discovered in treaty lands.
Then, #WhiteAmerica decided taking back the land [2] and carving a #Racist, #WhiteSupremecist, monument to the #Confederacy would be better.
[1] Check your #Constitution on where treaties sit in law.
[2] and yet #IndianGiver implies that THEY took the "giving" back.
#indiangiver #constitution #confederacy #whitesupremecist #racist #whiteamerica #treatyoffortlarami #nativeamericans #blackhills
Really interesting analysis of how the language media and institutions use to describe "the base" leaves other groups in society out of consideration as representative of "regular" America
#Fascists #WhiteAmerica #Minorityrule #Whitepropaganda
#whitepropaganda #minorityrule #whiteamerica #fascists
Where were you during the OJ Simpson case?
#racerelationsinamerica #americanhistory #nineties #blackamerica #whiteamerica #justice #law #crime #oj
#oj #crime #law #Justice #whiteamerica #blackamerica #nineties #americanhistory #racerelationsinamerica
Where were you during the OJ Simpson case?
#racerelationsinamerica #americanhistory #1994 #oj #blackamerica #whiteamerica #justice #law #crime
#crime #law #Justice #whiteamerica #blackamerica #oj #americanhistory #racerelationsinamerica
@mekkaokereke @happyday
In the 90's, I worried about what #WhiteAmerica thought of me; today I worry about how I can be a better American.
#whiteamerica #alwayschooseother #latinoamerican #personofcolor