Heading into Spring, the birds are coming back. Today's prettiest visitor was this Grey Goshawk (white form) - Accipiter novaehollandiae. These are the world's only pure white raptors.
#Tasmania #TasmanianForest #Goshawk #Raptor #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdsOfPrey #WhiteBird
#tasmania #tasmanianforest #goshawk #raptor #birdsofmastodon #birdsofprey #whitebird
I saw our resident Grey Goshawk (Accipiter novaehollandiae) across sitting in a tree again. I would have liked to get a bit closer but it saw me and flew behind the next tree.
#Tasmania #Goshawk #BirdsOfPrey #BirdsOfMastodon #White #WhiteBird
#tasmania #goshawk #birdsofprey #birdsofmastodon #white #whitebird
WHITE BIRD (2023) Movie Trailer 2: Gillian Anderson stars in Marc Forster’s WWII Survival Movie
#FilmBook #MovieTrailer #AriellaGlaser #BryceGheisar #GillianAnderson #HelenMirren #Lionsgate #MarcForster #MovieTrailer #OrlandoSchwerdt #WhiteBird
#filmbook #movietrailer #ariellaglaser #brycegheisar #gilliananderson #helenmirren #lionsgate #marcforster #orlandoschwerdt #whitebird
A white-form grey goshawk seems to have recently made its home at the end of our field and is currently perching in one of the trees. Birds of prey are always special to have around, but being the only pure white ones these are particularly good to see.
#Tasmania #BirdsOfMastodon #Goshawk #BirdsOfPrey #WhiteBird #Habitat #Nature
#tasmania #birdsofmastodon #goshawk #birdsofprey #whitebird #habitat #nature
Whitebird follow up page. #mastodon #comic #whitebird #mercedeslackey #conquestpublishing #ww2 #aviation
#mastodon #comic #whitebird #mercedeslackey #conquestpublishing #ww2 #aviation