Macuahuitl: Whitebox Roleplaying in the Aztec Empire is an old-school game that uses the familiar whitebox rules in a new and interesting setting the hobby has not seen before.
#whitebox #aztec #ttrpg
22. not a purchase but I’ve got a handful of hand-me-downs over the years, #WhiteBox, #WFRP core book (maybe third edition? Not really sure), current copy of #Pathfinder1e core book all come to mind.
#pathfinder1e #wfrp #whitebox #rpgaday2023
5. "Oldest Game You have Played"
That has to go to Whitebox ODnD.
Yup. I played it. As a study. But the campaign went on 5 months, so it WAS a real game. Needless to say, I hated it. But I made some good friends through it and they roleplayed well so it ended up being good regardless. I felt bad because I let idiots touch magic items and they would die, get cursed, or worse.
#rpgaday2023 #odnd #whitebox #ttrpg #oldschool #osr
AI sthesis
Aesthetics of Artificial Intelligences @ Filzengraben 8 - 10, [] ground zero, Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Wednesday 07/19 - Sunday 07/23/2023.
During the #KHM tour @ground_zero offers insights into students' aesthetic explorations of Artificial Intelligence #AI.
How can we bring machines to life or bring life to machines? Where is the magic in these technical cognitive systems and how do we unfold their aesthetic potential? How #democracythreatening are #AI 's in social media? Is it possible to reveal parts of this #WhiteBox in a black dress through Bertold Brecht's Alienation effect? How do we connect historicities in diffusion models á la #StableDiffusion with Harsh Noise Music #HNW ?
These and other questions will be asked installatively and performatively as student talks and lecture performances. See detailed programme at:
#khm #ai #democracythreatening #whitebox #StableDiffusion #hnw — Oberfläche und Gegenwelt – Die polymediale Installation „Breaking The Surface“ stellt bei Werksviertel Mitte Kunst Wasser als Gestaltungs- und Reflexionsraum in den Mitt
#Bericht #2019 #2020 #Ausstellung #BetweenMusic #BreakingTheSurface #Festivals #Künstler #LaylaSkovmand #MartinaTaubenberger #München #OutOfTheBox #polymedialeInstallation #S #Stock #Werksviertel #WerksviertelMitteKunst #whiteBOX
#bericht #ausstellung #betweenmusic #breakingthesurface #festivals #kunstler #laylaskovmand #martinataubenberger #munchen #outofthebox #polymedialeinstallation #s #Stock #werksviertel #werksviertelmittekunst #whitebox
Same perspective on the same landscape, but with stream network generated by DepressionBreach and StreamExtract in #Whitebox Tools, virtually identical the r.watershed result. Part of an effort to characterize drainage networks on these landscapes and compare them to results of landscape evolution modeling
My laugh for today:
I stopped at a big-box-bookstore because I had a gift card from one of the grandkids.
I bought D'Amato's "Ultimate RPG" #ttRPG #worldBuilding Guide and a replacement set of #skull d6. The older lady at checkout: I would not have taken you for an #RPG player!
I wish I had replied "how do you know I'm not playing a role right now?"
I'll admit that at 74, I probably didn’t fit the standard mould. I started to tell her about playing #WhiteBox #DandD but recovered in time.
#ttrpg #worldbuilding #skull #rpg #whitebox #dandd
HIRING: Security Engineer II- PenTester / Bengaluru, Karnataka, India #InfoSec #InfoSecJobs #Cybersecurity #jobsearch #hiringnow #CyberCareer #Bengaluru #Karnataka #India #Android #Applicationsecurity #AWS #Azure #Blackbox #Cloud #ComputerScience #Cryptography #DAST #DevOps #DNS #Docker #Exploit #GCP #Golang #iOS #JavaScript #OpenSource #OWASP #Pentesting #PHP #Python #Riskassessment #SAST #TCPIP #Vulnerabilities #Whitebox
#infosec #infosecjobs #cybersecurity #jobsearch #hiringnow #cybercareer #bengaluru #karnataka #india #android #applicationsecurity #aws #azure #blackbox #cloud #computerscience #cryptography #DAST #devops #dns #docker #exploit #gcp #golang #iOS #javascript #opensource #owasp #pentesting #php #python #riskassessment #sast #tcpip #vulnerabilities #whitebox
- Cast Flare to blind goblin guards. Check
- Jump the barricade. Check.
- Yell "Baruk Khazâd!" Check.
#WhiteBox RPG
Very first RPG session tonight. #WhiteBox rules.
Still a Dungeon Crawler but it's more fun with people and it's really nice for once to have a GM and not having to know the rules and consult charts myself.
#Cybersecurity remains a key driver in keeping our societies and economies secure, even in the face of a pandemic.
Here's a peek at our #cybersec research in 2019, including work on #bitcoin security, #whitebox encryption, & #UX with @MISPProject
#ux #whitebox #bitcoin #cybersec #cybersecurity