Edition 118 of the Supertone Show podcast is now available! This week @suzy and @simon feature the music of #Cake, #WhiteDenim, #10cc, #BobDylan, #ISTIST, #Goat and #SandyDenny
#Podcast #TheSupertoneShow #StarliteCampbell #Music #Chat #MastoArt #FediArt #News
#cake #whitedenim #10cc #bobdylan #istist #goat #sandydenny #podcast #thesupertoneshow #starlitecampbell #music #chat #mastoart #fediart #news
Making the Supertone Show with @simon is great fun and food for the musical soul - every week I learn so much!
A new episode #118 is now available featuring music from #Cake, #WhiteDenim, #10cc, #BobDylan, #ISTIST, #Goat and #SandyDenny
#Podcast #TheSupertoneShow #StarliteCampbell #Music #Chat #MastoArt #FediArt #News
#cake #whitedenim #10cc #bobdylan #istist #goat #sandydenny #podcast #thesupertoneshow #starlitecampbell #music #chat #mastoart #fediart #news
Edition 118 of the Supertone Show podcast is now available! This week we feature the music of #Cake, #WhiteDenim, #10cc, #BobDylan, #ISTIST, #Goat and #SandyDenny
#Podcast #TheSupertoneShow #StarliteCampbell #Music #Chat #MastoArt #FediArt #News
#cake #whitedenim #10cc #bobdylan #istist #goat #sandydenny #podcast #thesupertoneshow #starlitecampbell #music #chat #mastoart #fediart #news
Edition 118 of the Supertone Show podcast is now available! This week @suzy and @simon feature the music of #Cake, #WhiteDenim, #10cc, #BobDylan, #ISTIST, #Goat and #SandyDenny
#Podcast #TheSupertoneShow #StarliteCampbell #Music #Chat #MastoArt #FediArt #News
#cake #whitedenim #10cc #bobdylan #istist #goat #sandydenny #podcast #thesupertoneshow #starlitecampbell #music #chat #mastoart #fediart #news
Edition 118 of the Supertone Show podcast is now available! This week we feature the music of #Cake, #WhiteDenim, #10cc, #BobDylan, #ISTIST, #Goat and #SandyDenny
#Podcast #TheSupertoneShow #StarliteCampbell #Music #Chat #MastoArt #FediArt
#cake #whitedenim #10cc #bobdylan #istist #goat #sandydenny #podcast #thesupertoneshow #starlitecampbell #music #chat #mastoart #fediart
White Denim - Performance
So good I literally just listened to it twice.
#usa #whitedenim #guitar #musicrecommendation #music
Tom is now listening to Good News
#LaLuz #MassiveAttack #NeilYoung #RayLaMontagne #ShintaroSakamoto #Splashh #TheDoors #WhiteDenim #WildNothing #SquirrelNutZippers #CiboMatto #JescaHoop #ParquetCourts #UNKLE #UnknownMortalOrchestra #DianeCoffee #EdwardSharpeAndTheMagneticZeros #EdwardSharpe #LemonDemon #NedsAtomicDustbin #Plaid #SoftHair #TheSmile #AneBrun #BeachHouse #MyDryWetMess #TheBlackAngels #YasmeenAminaOlya #TheShins #Younghusband #Amiina #BrianEno #DanielRossen #MichaelKiwanuka #TheSpires
#laluz #massiveattack #neilyoung #raylamontagne #shintarosakamoto #splashh #thedoors #whitedenim #wildnothing #squirrelnutzippers #cibomatto #jescahoop #parquetcourts #unkle #unknownmortalorchestra #dianecoffee #edwardsharpeandthemagneticzeros #edwardsharpe #lemondemon #nedsatomicdustbin #plaid #softhair #TheSmile #anebrun #BEACHHOUSE #mydrywetmess #theblackangels #yasmeenaminaolya #theshins #younghusband #amiina #brianeno #danielrossen #michaelkiwanuka #thespires