"#Orcas, Hoare says, will have a clear sense of what humans have done to their environment. As demonstrated by the actions of #WhiteGladis, #OrcaSociety is #matriarchal, and females can live to 100: 'They will have a memory, almost a generational memory, of a time when the #ocean was not dominated by human beings"
The #OrcaUprising: #whales are ramming boats – but are they inspired by revenge, grief or memory? | #Oceans | The Guardian
#oceans #whales #orcauprising #ocean #matriarchal #orcasociety #whitegladis #orcas
Ein journalistischer Beitrag darüber, dass eine Gruppe von #Schwertwalen vor Küste Gibraltars mehrere Segelboote gerammt hat und einige Zeilen später verwendet man den Beghriff "Killerwale" und "Killerwalexpertinnen"`?
Nicht witzig!
#schwertwalen #orca #gibraltar #whitegladis #journalismus
Killer whale rams fisherman’s boat in UK waters during latest Orca attack | The Independent
#orcas #killerwhale #boats #gibraltar #uk #scotland #shetland #spain #portugal #whitegladis #trauma #foodshortages #play
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: 'Atlantic' Writer Calls Orcas 'Sadistic Jerks,' Says We Shouldn't Defend Them https://jezebel.com/atlantic-writer-calls-orcas-sadistic-jerks-says-we-sho-1850551145 #Jezebel #southernresidentkillerwhales #englishlanguagefilms #captivekillerwhales #carouselfeeding #seaworldorlando #whitegladis #killerwhale #jacobstern #predators #cetaceans #dolphins #shamu #whale #orca
#jezebel #southernresidentkillerwhales #englishlanguagefilms #captivekillerwhales #carouselfeeding #seaworldorlando #whitegladis #killerwhale #jacobstern #predators #cetaceans #dolphins #shamu #whale #orca
Someone needs to put this to videos of #WhiteGladis and her orca army sinking boats off the coast of Gibraltar. #NekoCase
Why are orcas attacking boats? Gladis the killer whale, out for revenge on the yachts of Gibraltar | The Independent
#orcas #killerwhale #gladis #gibraltar #yacht #yachts #atlanticorcaworkinggroup #gtoa #whitegladis #trauma #foodshortages #play
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Solidarity! Orcas Are Sinking the Rich https://jezebel.com/solidarity-orcas-are-sinking-the-rich-1850470136 #Jezebel #alfredolc3b3pezfernandez #alfredofernandez #laurensanchez #berniesanders #whitegladis #killerwhale #cetaceans #dolphins #films #orca #bill
#jezebel #alfredolc3b3pezfernandez #alfredofernandez #laurensanchez #berniesanders #whitegladis #killerwhale #cetaceans #dolphins #films #orca #bill