My wife worked late, so my 8yo got to sit in as "co-DM" with me for a bit on this evening's #Whitehack game. He got to roll for random encounters and treasure and apparently it was a big hit. My wife later told me he wouldn't stop talking about it at bedtime.
Our second session of Black Wyrm of Brandonsford saw lots of combat, and there players quickly learned that when you're at level 1 there's a huge difference between 1HD and 2HD monsters.
We're learning the system, so there was some confusion about miracle costs, but overall a success. #Whitehack
First session of our #Whitehack campaign is in the bag, spent mostly gearing up and chasing rumours in town. We made a grand total of one, count em one, task rolls the entire night but it was a fun time. I detect a hint of murder-hoboism, so it will be interesting to see what happens when they run into anything tougher than a goblin.
Starting a new campaign from scratch without having a setting planned beyond "It's basically generic fantasy with folklorish undertones. Oh, and since you asked I guess there is an organized monotheistic church." has been strangely liberating. I don't have to stress about getting details wrong, and my players have been getting in on the world building during character creation. #Whitehack
18. SYSTEME de jeu préféré 🎲 : en matière de système, je privilégie des mécaniques simples et adaptables. Je kiffe le principe de hacker un système comme le #BlackHack, #WhiteHack ou #IntoTheOdd pour partir d'une base familière pour la modeler aux besoins du scénario ou de l'univers que l'on a envie de jouer 😀
#IntoTheOdd #whitehack #blackhack #jdr #rpgaday2023 #RPGaDay
I'm not doing #RPGaDAY2023 because I never stick with them, but favourite system is easy: It's #whitehack
Simple, clear, versatile, it understands the potential of RPGs and instead of restricting you, it trusts you to find your own best game.
@mhd The level of detail in colitis and places sets Earthdawn apart from D&D, but fundamentally it's a game of larger than life heroes making the world better by fighting. So really it should work fine with your favourite edition of D&D or your favourite D&D alternative.
I'm thinking #13thAge or #whitehack .
You said
"Then bust out #DCC #blackSwordHack #blackHack #OSE #whiteHack #intoTheOdd or some such thing."
This is called a "bait and switch".
Please do not assume ignorance in this conversation. You're allowed (encouraged!) to like different things but I'm also allowed to like different things. OK?
#dcc #blackswordhack #blackhack #OSE #whitehack #IntoTheOdd
Day 6's #RPGaDAY2023 prompt is "Favourite game you never get to play"
"The best song will never get sung
The best life never leaves your lungs
So good, you won't ever know" --- Wilco, /Late Greats/
There's a game rattling around in my brain; I see hints of it reading Apocalypse World and #pbta games, Errant, Dungeon Crawl Classics (#dcc), Whitehack (#whiteHack), #traveller, #blackSwordHack, #wwn/#swn, and #diaspora. Maybe others.
A game about exploration and the antics of desparation.
#rpgaday2023 #pbta #DCC #whitehack #traveller #blackswordhack #wwn #diaspora
#rpgdday2023 Day 6
Favorite game you NEVER get to play.
oh no, I must name two games 😨:
1) #TheBurningWheel It was a very exciting read and I like so many things about the game, but I can‘t wrap my old brain around it.
2) #VampireTheMasquerade
2) #WhiteHack
#ttrpg #pnpde
#rpgdday2023 #TheBurningWheel #vampirethemasquerade #whitehack #ttrpg #pnpde
I am of the "I won't ever run #5e" camp. I will play in it, to observe the style of play and then pull the "Hey, I wanna run D&D...I have some house rules." Then bust out #DCC #blackSwordHack #blackHack #OSE #whiteHack #intoTheOdd or some such thing.
Why? Because #5e is so very non-GM facing. And I'd rather not. Also, much of what I've seen in "actual play" would be better served with less character abilities.
#5e #DCC #blackswordhack #blackhack #ose #whitehack #IntoTheOdd
📧 BEC is a major threat. Defending against it requires a layered approach. Here are the steps you can take to protect your organization:
#BEC #businessemail #hacking #whitehack #cybertips #secureworks
#bec #businessemail #hacking #whitehack #cybertips #secureworks
Whitehack 4e Time!
#OSR #WhiteHack #Review #TTRPG #TTRPGBlogs
#osr #whitehack #review #ttrpg #ttrpgblogs
The printed version (Lulu's) Christian Mehrstam's WHITEHACK fourth edition has arrived! (
Time to find a place away from the house to read it on peace. I'm going to study it like a university grade textbook. 🤓
#TTRPG #Whitehack
The changing form factor is definitely a thing for the #Whitehack #TTRPG but you're guaranteed a well-realised product that's perfect for flexible #OldSchool style gaming, whether for newcomers or veterans.
v4 is the first of the series to step away from the #OGL and (having only received it today) I'm keen to see what changes have been made. But, I totally trust #ChristianMehrstam to have knocked it out of the oark, again!
(Admittedly, v3 also came in portrait—but I love a landscape book.)
#whitehack #ttrpg #oldschool #ogl #christianmehrstam
Nothing like a bunch of deliveries at the same time! Waiting for the second haul. Really excited to run some games!
Slightly disappointed that I didn't realize the #dco version on lulu was not the remaster but oh well, still a cool book
#osr #whitehack #dungeoncrawlclassics #dcc #deepcarbonobservatory #ttrpg
#DCO #osr #whitehack #dungeoncrawlclassics #DCC #deepcarbonobservatory #ttrpg
Eager to make up for their sins, the party set the rest of the captains crew up with a nice pension, split the take evenly with the tribe of Reed Warriors and charged them with keeping watch over the entrance, after plugging it with stone to mud bombs and rubble.
The two remaining PCs got some nice epilogues - highlights included using the tear of time to undo a henchmans death and guiding the tox-men home to their plane. 3/3 #DCO #DeepCarbonObservatory #WhiteHack
#DCO #deepcarbonobservatory #whitehack
Later, they found that once you crossed the threshold of murder and human sacrifice, it's easier to justify the next one. Unfortunately, 🐌 Zarathustra's crew didn't want to be sacrificed like their captain. Three more sailors died in the struggle. But in the end, most of the observatorys wondrous treasures were salvaged. 2/3 #DCO #DeepCarbonObservatory #WhiteHack
#DCO #deepcarbonobservatory #whitehack
In the final episode of our #DeepCarbonObservatory campaign, the descent into darkness continues, but only figuratively. After marveling at the wonders of the Kyriarchs royal suites, the party managed to avoid tragedy after lying about their role in Captain Zarathustras death to lovable rascal Wit Tamdoun, who picked up the Kyriarchs Sceptre - which compels you to destroy liars. 1/3 #DCO #WhiteHack
#deepcarbonobservatory #DCO #whitehack