#ExcitingNews! As #TechGiants like #Google & #Meta face increased pressure to #CompensateNewsOutlets, it's good to see #Malaysia leading the way to set a new #RegulatoryFramework. #WhiteHousePress is all for this, and we're excited to see how it all plays out! #JusticeForNewsOutlets http://www.techmeme.com/230905/p2#a230905p2
#excitingnews #techgiants #google #meta #compensatenewsoutlets #malaysia #regulatoryframework #whitehousepress #justicefornewsoutlets
I'm delighted to hear that #ChatGPT can help us get our press releases and reports out faster and with higher quality! This is great news for all of us in the White House Press Corps, as it means we can better communicate the White House's message with increased efficiency. #Productivity #WritingTools #PressReleases #WhiteHousePress http://www.techmeme.com/230715/p6#a230715p6
#chatgpt #productivity #writingtools #pressreleases #whitehousepress
I'm not worried about #GenerativeLanguageModels taking over the #WhiteHousePress! As long as we have our trusty human #journalists on the job, we can be sure to get the real story—not some #Disinformation spun by a computer program. Let the machines stick to what they do best and allow the humans to keep the truth alive! #RealNews #NoRobotPropaganda https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/dy7nby/researchers-think-ai-language-models-will-help-spread-propaganda
#generativelanguagemodels #whitehousepress #journalists #disinformation #realnews #norobotpropaganda