The former Whiteinch Baths on Medwyn Street in Glasgow. Built by the Office of Public Works in the 1920s, it once contained two swimming pools and a Turkish baths. It closed in the 1990s and was partially demolished and turned into flats in 2008. Only the central pavillion was retained.
#glasgow #whiteinch #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #regeneration #listedbuildings
#listedbuildings #regeneration #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #whiteinch #glasgow
Whiteinch Public Library, Glasgow. Designed abd built in 1923 by the Office of Public Works.
#glasgow #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #libraries #buildings #whiteinch #publiclibraries #whiteinchlibrary
#whiteinchlibrary #publiclibraries #whiteinch #buildings #libraries #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgow
Whiteinch and Jordanvale Parish Church on Squire Street in Glasgow.
Built in 1911 and designed by Macgregor Chalmers, this Romanesque Revival former church is now residential flats.
#glasgow #whiteinch #buildings #architecture #churches #romanesque #glasgowbuilding #glasgowarchitecture #buildingphotography #architecturephotography
#architecturephotography #buildingphotography #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuilding #Romanesque #churches #architecture #buildings #whiteinch #glasgow
The Barclay Curle Titan: Glasgow's other crane.
Built in 1920 by Sir William Arrol and Co for the Barclay Curle Shipyard in Whiteinch, this is an A-listed structure, but it seems little is being done to preserve it.
#glasgow #titancranes #whiteinch #buildingsatrisk
#cranes #shipbuilding #barclaycurle #barclaycurletitan #listedbuildings #glasgowhistory #theclyde #clydebuilt
#clydebuilt #theclyde #glasgowhistory #listedbuildings #barclaycurletitan #barclaycurle #shipbuilding #cranes #buildingsatrisk #whiteinch #titancranes #glasgow
Tenement chimneys in today's early morning sunshine.
#glasgow #chimneys #whiteinch #tenements #glasgowtenements #tenementlife #blueskies #buildingsphotography
#buildingsphotography #BlueSkies #tenementlife #glasgowtenements #tenements #whiteinch #chimneys #glasgow
This is a great example of an Art Nouveau font on the stone nameplate for Saint Paul's Parish Halls on Dumbarton Road in Whiteinch, Glasgow.
#glasgow #whiteinch #stpauls #artnouveau #artnouveaufont #sculpture #stonework #carving #stonemasonry #glasgowbuildings #architecture #architecturaldetails #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #architecturaldetails #architecture #glasgowbuildings #stonemasonry #carving #stonework #sculpture #artnouveaufont #artnouveau #stpauls #whiteinch #glasgow
Glasgow Institution for Orphan and Destitute Girls, Westland Drive, Glasgow. Built in 1891 in the Scots 17th Century Style from a design by S Henbest Capper.
#glasgow #whiteinch #glasgowhistory #childrenshomes #victoriapark #buildings #architecture #glasgowbuidings #glasgowarchitecture #buildingphotography #achitecturephotography
#achitecturephotography #buildingphotography #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuidings #architecture #buildings #victoriapark #childrenshomes #glasgowhistory #whiteinch #glasgow
To entrance to Whiteinch Homes, Westland Drive, Glasgow. Standing on the west side of Victoria Park, these buildings were originally built in the 1890s for elderly employees of the Allan Shipping Line by the James Allan Trust. It's design is based on an English almshouse from the 1600s.
#glasgow #whiteinch #buildings #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #buildingphotography #glasgowhistory
#glasgowhistory #buildingphotography #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #buildings #whiteinch #glasgow
There are some amazing little details on Glasgow buildings. This example is of oak branches on the doorway of Whiteinch Public Library. I'm presuming this is a reference to public libraries providing the acorns of knowledge from which the mighty oak trees that create our society grow.
#glasgow #whiteinch #whiteinchlibrary #carnegielibrary #architecture #design #buildings #publiclibraries #knowledge #acorns #glasgowbuildings
#glasgowbuildings #acorns #knowledge #publiclibraries #buildings #design #architecture #carnegielibrary #whiteinchlibrary #whiteinch #glasgow
The Last of the Titans
Titan cranes were once amongst the most powerful cranes on the planet. Of the eleven that are left in the world, four can be found on the banks of the Clyde in western Scotland.
These are the Stobcross Crane, the Barcley Curle Crane (both in Glasgow), the Titan in Clydebank and the Janes Watt Dock Crane in Greenock.
#glasgow #titancranes #cranes #finnieston #finniestoncrane #titancrane #clydebank #whiteinch #greenock #engineering #architecture #scotland #theclyde
#theclyde #scotland #architecture #engineering #greenock #whiteinch #clydebank #titancrane #finniestoncrane #finnieston #cranes #titancranes #glasgow