GryphonSK · @GryphonSK
274 followers · 3032 posts · Server
MMR Nmd · @MMRnmd
664 followers · 10477 posts · Server
R ✨ · @addmen
449 followers · 66 posts · Server

Cristian (Chris-chin): noun;

A person who is weak-minded, insecure, and easily manipulated, with a deep fear of the unknown whilst also being willfully ignorant.

A hypocrite incarnate. “I love my neighbor, but if my neighbor were gay, or didn’t agree with me, I would physically harm them”

A successful white supremacy focused cult created to control a population through the use of perpetual fear of eternal damnation (which is not a thing).


Last updated 2 years ago

Lindysalsagal · @Lindysalsagal
242 followers · 1425 posts · Server
Andreas · @andreasm
27 followers · 160 posts · Server

If only it was possible. The more guns are forbidden, the greater their relative lethality. Imagine if guns were successfully forbidden, and then someone illegally creates a few guns. We'd be back in pre-colonial times, waiting for disaster/genocide to strike.

I don't believe gun control will solve the US' problem of lethal violence. In Switzerland, lots of households have guns. Same in Canada.

Perhaps the issue with the US is rampant capitalism, state oppression, terrible education, and a long history of violent racism, sexism and the exploitation of others - are these not the pillars upon which that state was founded upon?

Other countries with less of a vibe then perhaps have somewhat less violent populations. Generally, I know people to be loving, tolerant, patient and well intentioned - as evidenced by the many states not needing to have such extreme authoritative oppression as the US in order to stay in power.

Even I am afraid entering the US! And I'm white as snow with light-coloured eyes, cis-male, work for a global corp HQd in the US, and have one of the world's "best" passports.

That's just telling of how deeply and utterly fucked the US is by its capitalist class, its military police, and its large swathes of stupid, white & racist population.

I genuinely feel sincere compassion for folks in the US, especially black, brown folks, poor people, and anyone happening to not adhere to the dominant ideals of the moment. May the ever-popular protect them from all the blunt & bloodthirsty Christians.

#mordor #whitejesus

Last updated 2 years ago

Abnormal Memery · @abnormalmemery
5 followers · 195 posts · Server
Andreas · @andreasm
13 followers · 76 posts · Server

I was looking at earlier, and all I could see was one compromise after the other. Imagine! To be comfortable in this capitalist system, I have to spend my time - my life - furthering someone else's capitalist agenda, nationalistic ideals, or otherwise work to concentrate someone else's & resources. And the folks who say they do something different appear to all be lying - I suppose someone has to pay them too in the end, how else could they afford my cushy day ?

I suppose I could , or pay for opportunities and adopt someone else's way of viewing the world for a while. That'll make me feel better! Or I could start walking on someone's road to enlightenment and tell myself that, if these people say it's OK, then it must be. Even self-employed as a most , , , or - fuck it - , I help people reflect and for just a moment so that they can get the fuck back to . How else could they afford my hourly rate?

And now I'm getting old! I wish I could say that I'm looking forward to what the next generation will come up with, but then the world is ending so... So perhaps things are just shot to shit, is coming and I'm getting

Well, at least I a throughout my life. I fed the leeches at the top by giving them my , paying my , tossing my , and generally being and in of not ending up a , in , or worse! At least I wasn't (openly) , I kept my to my personal relationships and only implicitly supported the by insisting it's not there at all. I'm definitely a though, I was always terrified of my . And although it really made me feel better to people who were fatter, poorer or weaker than me, I only occasionally shared my true feelings with them. Oh, and not to mention the folks with smaller - haha! - and folks, or people, thank Thor and the Lord and the Lady that I'm dying before I can no longer feel to them!

But I wasn't bad. I did enjoy cheering for , and , go you! For a moment there, I felt like even I was doing something! (Although and the were more fun.) But mostly, I suppose, I mastered the art of shutting the up, silently enjoying my and my , and - oh, this I did really well - quickly inventing new for my pale & hairy ass in the elevator up to my 28th floor space. Change? How? I mean, it was just never the right time... And hey, my therapist and men's group think I'm alright!

OK, well, it is the time for me to now. Fuck , fuck , fuck , the and their lackeys the & , fuck my , and fuck all of my self-help and other educative and , and then fuck everyone else who I for my dreadfully , , and existence

If only I had cared a little less for my own and a little more for people around me, then maybe I would have become an . Alas, it's too late now, my ergonomically certified office chair has ground my into dust

Please send me straight to because, in all , it's what we all know I deserve

#jobs #power #Rate #volunteer #learning #spiritual #progressive #consultant #facilitator #coach #Therapist #white #shaman #entrepreneur #dream #work #competitive #ragnarok #old #served #purpose #time #taxes #Vote #busy #good #fear #bum #prison #racist #sexism #patriarchy #feminist #mom #judge #dicks #black #women #queer #superior #blm #XR #ufc #worldcup #fuck #safety #priviledge #excuses #hotdesking #die #heaven #whitejesus #politicians #rich #police #military #priest #preachers #gurus #blame #unfulfilling #unhelpful #disempowered #mediocre #comfort #Anarchist #balls #hell #honesty

Last updated 2 years ago

Josiah Mannion · @Josiah_Mannion
454 followers · 3177 posts · Server

has got some shit to answer for. Maybe all the Jesus need to have a . can moderate.

#whitejesus #cometojesus #jegaysus

Last updated 2 years ago

Mwinyele · @moringaottawa
24 followers · 53 posts · Server

Evolutionary : “Race is a social cultural construct. It has no bearings in science”

# #1923 #1883 #6666

#geneticist #folktaxonomy #sheilanightingale #ninajablonski #Paleobiology #paleobiologist #humandiversity #humanevolution #RacialIdentity #culture #culturalstudies #folklore #mythical #manmade #productofimagination #mansmind #inthemind #imagination #learnedbehaviour #learnedbehavior #taxonomy #anthropologist #anthropologists #anthropology #evolutionarygenetics #evolutionarygeneticist #crt #vikings #animamundi #hominim #hominid #ancestor #dna #geneticplasticity #multicultural #panacea #species #familytree #evolution #eastafrica #plato #animus #superiorrace #eugenecist #eugenics #myths #tropes #archetypes #jungian #carljung #commonancestor #melanin #christian #christianity #biblical #fundamentalism #flds #underthebannerodheaven #exmormons #criticalracetheory #missionary #DivideAndConquer #Skincolour #skincolor #poc #bipoc #ibpoc #dei #belonging #collectivesoul #calling #unity #bible #monotheism #usa #unitedstatesofamerica #unlearningwhitesupremacy #relearning #untold #aboriginalauthors #firstnationsauthors #firstnations #amerindians #indigenousauthors #indigenousstories #indigenous #residentialschools #indigenousscholars #indigenousprofessors #retelling #americanhistory #europeanhistory #commonwealth #colonization #decolonizeyourmind #decoloniseeconomics #decolonization #colonisationdelimaginaire #colonialWars #britishhistory #spanishhistory #espagne #histoiredufrance #histoirefrancais #france #frenchcolonialism #frenchcolony #britishcolony #englishcolony #historyofengland #westerncivilization #westernphilosopy #JomoKenyatta #christianmissionaries #christianmissionary #panafricanist #panafricanism #KWAMENKRUMAH #saviourism #saviourist #whitesaviour #WhiteSavior #saviorism #saviorist #racialsuperiority #africantribes #whitejesus #blackjesus #massslavery #anglosaxon #whiteanglosaxon #anglosaxonhistory #aksumite #ethiopianhistory #staugustus #Septuagint #apollos #symonofcyrene #marktheapostle #slaveboat #slavemaster #indoctrination #extremism #religiousdogma #dogmatic #dogma #separationofchurchandstate #patriarchy #patriarchal #dispellingpatriarchy #dissectingpatriarchy #paganism #pagan #savage #barbaric #precolonial #jeffoganga #easternafrica #darkages #africandarkages #Slavetrade #slaveship #IndenturedLabour #forcedlabour #slavery #slaves #religiousdoctrine #religion #protestant #protestantism #grecoroman #hierarchical #socialhierarchy #culturalhierarchy #racialhierarchy #orthodox #westernchristianity #civilwar #yellowstone #christianmissions #nuns #aminahnieves #jennifertehle #indianschool #reservations #catholicism #catholicschool #catholicnuns #nunteachers #convents #sexualabuse #abuseinterrupted #abuseinconvents #veilofsilence #globalsistersreport #catholicorphanage #sexpredators #metoo #abuseinthechurch #clericalabuse #nunabuse #indianschools #epstein #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #GhislaineMaxwell

Last updated 2 years ago

Dunningkruger ✅ · @Dunningkruger
89 followers · 78 posts · Server


Last updated 2 years ago