#Insects trapped by a #streetlight. A 5 second footage.
Now imagine all the street lamps that are also turned on. Imagine all the light sources that are turned on, dusk to dawn. Not for 5 seconds. All-night.
How can this be so underrated?
This is a clear example of a major #impact caused by a "convenience", not a necessity.
#Anthropocene #WhiteLED #LED #ALAN #ArtificialLlightAllNight #Biodiversity #LightPollution #PoluiçãoLuminosa #LEDbranco #LuzArtificialÀNoite #Biodiversidade #antropoceno
#insects #streetlight #impact #anthropocene #whiteled #led #ALAN #artificialllightallnight #biodiversity #lightpollution #poluicaoluminosa #ledbranco #luzartificialanoite #biodiversidade #antropoceno
👆🏼#artificiallight =#luzartificial , #whiteLED = #LEDbranco (forgot to translate the # ;) ).
#artificiallight #luzartificial #whiteled #ledbranco