I'm watching James Baldwin On-Screen on The #CriterionChannel
I just finished watching #Baldwin's #Nigger, #1968 (the meaning is profound) and James is brilliant.
I love Dick Gregory's explanation of "white liberal", which every #white person, and #Black "#moderate" and #conservative, should consider and internalize.
#baldwinsnigger #whiteliberal #dickgregory #jamesbaldwin #Conservative #moderate #black #white #nigger #baldwin #criterionchannel
Seeing a lot of content about the marginalisation and oppression of #POC and especially #qtpoc on this platform and it certainly doesn’t inspire me with confidence. However not sure where to turn to to make sure that I don’t end up in a #WhiteLiberal bubble. If someone can point me in the direction of some good servers and/or users I can follow so that my feed doesn’t turn into an echo chamber that would be awesome.