Damn. This is embarrassing. George Michael is considered more valuable to music than the mighty The Spinners? Or is he more popular? Was he cuter? Sold more records? Is this about art or history or popularity or influence (clearly the Philadelphia group influenced the younger Brit) or filthy lucre? Or is this yet another manifestation of #PlantationNation's ruling ethos: #WhiteMakesRight?
You wouldn't HAVE #rockandroll without #Black artists. Period.
Someone needs to start voting for #BlackMusicians for the #RockAndRollHallOfFame or "Fame" Needs to Turn to "Shame." #MissyElliot #ATribeCalledQuest #TheSpinners
#music #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #BlackLivesMatter #BlackArtistsMatter #BlackMusicMatters
#plantationnation #whitemakesright #rockandroll #black #blackmusicians #rockandrollhalloffame #missyelliot #atribecalledquest #thespinners #music #BlackMastodon #blackfedi #BlackLivesMatter #blackartistsmatter #blackmusicmatters