中國工程師用便宜的 #Arduino 小型 WiFi 開發板 ESP8266 或華為的 Hi3518 開發板做可拋棄式 WiFi 熱點基地台來散佈訊息或政治標語給不特定人,可以隨手拋棄後不理以免被中國政府抓到,這方法還真是天才啊!
#白紙運動 #WhitePaperMovement
#arduino #白紙運動 #whitepapermovement #SSIDBroadcast
沒想到日本 #迪士尼 出的這商品變成時事商品了! XDDD
#白紙運動 #WhitePaperMovement
#維尼 #WinneThePooh
#迪士尼 #白紙運動 #whitepapermovement #維尼 #WinneThePooh
The current #ChinaProtests #WhitePaperMovement.
In 2014, #HongKongProtests Yellow #UmbrellaMovement (protestors opened umbrellas to shield themselves from pepper spray and tear gas).
We all know the state of Hong Kong to this day.
Remember #Tiananmen.
Remember #WoundedKnee and the #TrailOfTears.
Remember that "Indians" were forced to live on #reservations and their children sent to boarding schools.
#USA #hongkong #China #oppression #occupied #hawaii #reservations #trailoftears #woundedknee #tiananmen #umbrellamovement #hongkongprotests #whitepapermovement #chinaprotests
The current #ChinaProtests #WhitePaperMovement.
In 2014, #HongKongProtests Yellow #UmbrellaMovement (protestors opened umbrellas to shield themselves from pepper spray and tear gas).
We all know the state of Hong Kong to this day.
Remember #Tiananmen.
Remember #WoundedKnee and the #TrailOfTears.
Remember that "Indians' were forced to live on #reservations and their children sent to boarding schools.
#USA #hongkong #China #oppression #occupied #hawaii #reservations #trailoftears #woundedknee #tiananmen #umbrellamovement #hongkongprotests #whitepapermovement #chinaprotests
11月28日凌晨,广州,据说警察正在追捕拿白纸的人 #白纸运动
In the early morning of November 28th, Guangzhou, the police were said to be chasing the person holding the white paper #whitepapermovement