Pictured: Four wealthy, powerful White guys, collectively at least one Supreme Court justice, maybe more, engaged by their magical Negro — who represents them on the Court.
#ClarenceThomas #MagicalNegro #HarlanCrow #LeonardLeo #PeterRutledge #MarkPaoletta #SupremeCourt #FederalistSociety #ChristianNationalism #WhiteNationalism #WhitePatriarchy #SCOTUS #JudicialEthics #corruption
#Corruption #judicialethics #SCOTUS #whitepatriarchy #whitenationalism #ChristianNationalism #federalistsociety #SupremeCourt #MarkPaoletta #peterrutledge #LeonardLeo #harlancrow #magicalnegro #clarencethomas
The right’s billionaires, the Federalist Society, conservative Supreme Court justices, congressional Republicans, and a quiet network of conservatives in state and local government:
THEY are the “Deep State” that Republicans and their misinformation media megaphones have been warning their base about.
#Republicans #GOP #DeepState #SCOTUS #FederalistSociety #WhitePatriarchy #WhiteNationalism #ChristianNationalism #corruption #oligarchy
#oligarchy #Corruption #ChristianNationalism #whitenationalism #whitepatriarchy #federalistsociety #SCOTUS #deepstate #gop #republicans
These people aren’t “patriots” and “tourists.”
They’re insurrectionists: brazen traitors to their country.
These people aren’t Christians.
They’re posers, hypocrites.
These people aren’t pro-life.
They’re anti-health care, pro-misogyny.
These people aren’t pro-democracy patriots.
They’re pro-anything-that’s-“Christian”-White-male-dominated. Yes, even if it’s fascism. In fact, ESPECIALLY if it’s fascism.
#WhiteNationalism #WhitePatriarchy #MAGA #GOP
#gop #MAGA #whitepatriarchy #whitenationalism