#WhiteMaterial, 2009, directed by #ClaireDenis and starring #IsabelleHuppert is another look into the #HeartOfDarkness, this time that of the arrogance of #whiteDenial born of #whitePrivilege.
Marie chooses to ignore reality and believe she, her family, and their plantation will be safe even as a righteous reckoning closes in.
She clings desperately to what was never hers, and earns her just, brutal fate.
A tense, slow-burn of a #film on #TheCriterionChannel
#thecriterionchannel #Film #whiteprivilege #whitedenial #heartofdarkness #IsabelleHuppert #ClaireDenis #whitematerial
White privilege is not noticing the race war that has already been raging between cops and POC since forever.
Even so, white allies will not be safe when they start going after "race traitors".
No one is safe in a fascist police state, not even the fascists.
#fascism #whiteprivilege #racewar
Aiwanger, der = [dialekt, bayr.]
Regionale Definition für eine radikale Variante der Täter-Opfer-Umkehr.
Siehe auch
#whiteprivilege #plurv #fascism #hexenjagd
#whiteprivilege: The move to disproportionately lower what the #wealthy pay in #taxes will further undermine #communities that #suffer from #disinvestment... more budget cuts will come for essential services, like #publiceducation and #infrastructure #maintenance. Lower-income residents, they warn, will be hurt most.
“The wealthy tend to always look out for themselves,” Edwards said.
#alecexposed #FossilFuelConservatism #AntiWoke
#RacistRobertsCourt #TaxBillionairesOutOfExistence
https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/the-wealthy-tend-to-always-look-out-for-themselves-state-taxes-exacerbate-income-inequality/? utm_source=press.coop
#whiteprivilege #wealthy #taxes #communities #suffer #disinvestment #publiceducation #infrastructure #maintenance #ALECExposed #fossilfuelconservatism #antiwoke #racistrobertscourt #taxbillionairesoutofexistence #kochbirchsociety #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct #pandemic
It's kind of ironic that some of the worst expressions of white western privilege come from western progressives, who are the first to accuse people of white privilege when it suits their politics.
This is a subtoot of an American 'pacifist' who accused the Georgian concert-goers who booed The Killers for their 'Russians are your brothers' gesture of being bigots.
#progressive #WesternPrivilege #russia #Ukraine #georgia #pacifism #whiteprivilege
White Ignorance and the Small Black Child https://foofaraw.medium.com/white-ignorance-and-the-small-black-child-59f0299451ae #BlackLivesMatter. Except in #PlantationNation, where they most assuredly DO NOT. Not even the lives of the babies. #ignorance #racism #CasualRacism #history #CurrentEvents #YouMustBeCarefullyTaught #ExistenceInTheseDividedStates #WhitePrivilege #EveryGoddamnedDay #FleeIfYouCan #CentristsAreTheRealDanger #MLK #WhiteModerate
#blacklivesmatter #plantationnation #ignorance #racism #casualracism #history #currentevents #youmustbecarefullytaught #existenceinthesedividedstates #whiteprivilege #everygoddamnedday #fleeifyoucan #centristsaretherealdanger #mlk #whitemoderate
Let's talk about some ways anti-Blackness manifests in Canada, shall we? 1/🧵
👀 ◾️ 👀 ◾️ 👀 ◾️👀
Yesterday's legal observer (LO) assignment was at the Parents of Black Children press conference in response to the deluge of anti-anti-racist statements and pushes in the wake of the suicide of #RichardBilkszto (click the hashtag for more/older info).
The coverage from the conference includes:
A coalition of Black community organizations is calling on the province to reaffirm its commitment to anti-racism training in education and publicly denounce “attempts to undermine or halt these efforts” in the wake of the suicide of a former principal who claimed he was bullied during an anti-racism training session two years ago.
“There is an active campaign to villainize and undermine anti-racism work in this province,” said Idris Orughu, one of the speakers at Wednesday’s event at Queen’s Park, organized by more than a dozen Black community groups from across the GTA.
(or https://archive.is/hB638 archived Toronto Star article in case a paywall goes up);
Context from a CTV News piece:
Richard Bilkszto, who worked on contract with the TDSB after his retirement in 2019, filed a lawsuit against the board in April, claiming that an anti-racism training session in 2021 and its aftermath destroyed his reputation.
Bilkszto claimed supervisors did not intervene and later retaliated against him when trainer Kike Ojo-Thompson allegedly implied he was racist and humiliated him in front of colleagues after he disagreed that Canada was more racist than the U.S.
A lawyer for Bilkszto said her client died by suicide in July.
"It is clear to us, that his death has been used as a rallying point for right-wing opponents to dismantle the necessary and imperative anti-racism work," community leader Idris Orughu said outside the legislature Wednesday.
Orughu called any attempts to link death to anti-racism education are "immoral and unethical".
None of the allegations in Bilkszto's suit have been proven in court.
The TDSB has hired a third party investigator to look into the circumstances around Bilkszto's death.
❞ https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/anti-racism-diversity-training-under-threat-say-black-community-leaders-at-queen-s-park-rally-1.6504500 (or https://archive.is/OYOfc of it doesn't work)
#AntiBlacknessIsGlobal #antiBlackness #DEI #CRT #WhiteFragility #WhitePrivilege #CanadaIsNotImmune #Racism #canPoli #topoli #CarymaNgo
#richardbilkszto #AntiBlacknessIsGlobal #antiblackness #dei #crt #whitefragility #whiteprivilege #canadaisnotimmune #racism #canpoli #topoli #carymango
#TEDTalk 2013
#CameronRussell former model who addresses #geneticlottery, #appearances, #racism, #whiteprivilege, #constructions
#looksarenteverything #tedtalk #cameronrussell #geneticlottery #appearances #racism #whiteprivilege #constructions
The difference between #BirdChan and the #Fediverse has never seemed so pointed in seeing the hysteria over #WhitePrivilege because a man committed suicide over, what looks a LOT like "being talked back to" by a Black woman.
The claim that Canada is worse than the US in terms of racism is definitely up for debate. Not taking a moment to consider whether it might be true¹ before defensively declaring your (white) self the expert in racism was certainly a bold move.
And not even questioning why he felt entitled/obligated/EMPOWERED to do so: 🤦🏾♀️
Fediverse 🦗 🏏 🦗
¹ It's definitely different: much more covert than overt, and certainly structural af. I don't know that I would say "worse", but the narrative Canadian white people like to tell themselves is deeply problematic.
You can't fight what you refuse to even acknowledge.
#WhiteFragility #WhitePrivilege #DEI #RichardBilkszto #racism
#birdchan #fediverse #whiteprivilege #whitefragility #dei #richardbilkszto #racism
Convince Republicans that Trump is a Black Muslim transgender male, and they’ll call for his extrajudicial execution, no questions asked. Until then, he’s a White, faux Christian, straight male who’s being unduly maligned by the liberal media, and unjustly treated by the “Biden” Department of Justice. 🙄
#CriminalTrump #DoubleStandards #WhitePrivilege #EqualJustice #racism #bigotry #LGBTQIAphobia
#lgbtqiaphobia #bigotry #Racism #equaljustice #whiteprivilege #doublestandards #criminaltrump
#WhitePrivilege turns into #WhiteWhining
The people who are upset about a Latina actress playing Snow White need to check themselves. Many of them are white Christians. How about we talk about how they got a white guy to play their fictional character of Jesus (someone of Middle Eastern lineage) for so many years. Seems like a bigger deal than just a movie. Or how about Liz Taylor as Cleopatra?
#whiteprivilege #whitewhining #jesuswasntwhite #cleopatrawasntwhite
Who would have guessed this? The furious right-wingers disrupting school board meetings across the US are almost exclusively white suburbanites. All that (faux) rage out there that the media wants us to believe is due to econoomic dispossession among struggling working-class citizens….
It's hard to get more privileged than living white in a suburb, isn't it?
#SchoolBoards #Republicans #WhitePrivilege #CultureWars #suburbs
#schoolboards #republicans #whiteprivilege #culturewars #suburbs
"Conversely, in 2022, Black women held just 1.1% of the top executive positions — six positions — but comprised 7% of the U.S. population. The situation is even worse for Hispanic women and Latinas, who 'comprised just 0.4% of named executive officers.' Hispanic women and Latinas are 'underrepresented by eighteenfold when compared with their share of the workforce.'"
#whiteprivilege #corporations #maleprivilege
"Conversely, Black people hold just 4.69% of the top executive positions in the S&P 100, even though they represent 13.6% of the U.S. population. 14 companies in the S&P 100 have top executive teams that are exclusively white.
This data does not reflect how much corporate America is still dominated by white men. In 2022, 69.61% of the top executive positions were held by white men, which is nearly double their share of the U.S. population."
#whiteprivilege #corporations #maleprivilege
Oh. My. God.
I’ve had it with these folks and their mean babble-based ignorance.
#racism #disinformation #slavery #history #WhitePrivilege #ignorance #Duggars #religion #whitewashing
#racism #disinformation #slavery #history #whiteprivilege #ignorance #duggars #religion #whitewashing
Oh, the memories!!
Playing UNO with the family up at the cabin (reeking with #WhitePrivilege)... I was seated next to Ma, who scowls & concentrates (super competitive) sorting her cards. She plays something. My turn.
"Reverse Draw Eight!"
Everyone else at the table chuckles.
Ma grumbles and starts drawing cards. Never looked at the green 2 I'd played.
Fond memories of sitting out in the screen-porch of the lake cabin (I know, I just reek of #WhitePrivilege do I not?), listening to the loons on the lake, the frogs in the shallows, and the various flying insects buzzing to their swift deaths in the bug-zapper.