The first Monday of August 2023! I'm looking forward to NOT driving to #WhiteRockLake for the next 4 days!! I love the show and the cast, but I'm grateful for a break!! #MondaySelfie #MondayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie
#whiterocklake #MondaySelfie #mondayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie
Global News BC: ‘Traumatizing:’ Creek water rushes into Okanagan neighbourhood, floods streets and homes #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #OkanaganIndianBand #WhiterockLakeFire #ParkerCoveflood #Whiteman’sCreek #WhiterockLake #flooding2023 #springflood #Flooding #Weather #News #OKIB
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #okanaganindianband #whiterocklakefire #parkercoveflood #whiteman #whiterocklake #flooding2023 #springflood #flooding #Weather #okib
Stoked about #Midcentury home tour in East Dallas, #WhiteRock (Lake) area, this weekend.
#MidCenturyMod #ModernArchitecture #MidMod #WhiteRockLake #OldLakeHighlands #EastDallas #NorthTexas #Texas
#midcentury #whiterock #midcenturymod #modernarchitecture #midmod #whiterocklake #oldlakehighlands #eastdallas #NorthTexas #texas
Selfie on the #WhiteRockLake dam with the old pump house in the background. #Dallas
Alice and I rode around #WhiteRockLake from the house #Dallas and checked on our #WildBee #Bee colony. (It’s right by the bike path across from the big house with the windmill on W. Lawther. ) It’s been there at least 5 years. Not a swarm— permanently housed and happy. Don’t tell Dallas Parks or they’re liable to spray them. #bikes
#whiterocklake #dallas #wildbee #bee #bikes
Trying to keep up with Grammy and the girls on a coffee shop ride. #Dallas #WhiteRockLake