@tultican #WhiteSupremecy Talk about back to the ugly past. These people do realize they live in the USA? Or they are just so hungry for the good βole persecution/murder days with them as the persecutors? π€
#Infrastructure as a weapon of #WhiteSupremecy
#whitesupremecy #infrastructure
I'd love your help to:
Make Punching Nazis Cool Again
#MPNCA #Fascists #ChistianNationalism is just #WhiteSupremecy in drag.
#mpnca #fascists #chistiannationalism #whitesupremecy
Tim Goad from the East Midlands felt brave enough to say this to a black woman. His twitter timeline is full of hate towards Meghan Markle. What a bellend. #BlackLivesMatter #whitefragility #whitesupremecy #peterborough #harryandmeghanonnetflix #thecaucasity
#thecaucasity #harryandmeghanonnetflix #peterborough #whitesupremecy #whitefragility #blacklivesmatter
Exactly what tolerant is. You put up with minority groups. #BlackLivesMatter #whitefragility #whitesupremecy #StopAsianHate
#StopAsianHate #whitesupremecy #whitefragility #blacklivesmatter
It will be Amerikkka if there is no resistance, no fight, no determination
Break the glass now
#racism #trumpinprison #Trumpism #TrumpCrimeFamily #whitesupremecy #uspolitics
Yes, there must be resistance to this attempt to infect American society.
#whitesupremecy #racism #uspolitics
What really bakes my noodle about #Twittergeddon is how it turns the spotlight on a global elite & their 'supremacism'.
Read #msm and you'd think the only supremacist discourse was #whitesupremecy but the same delusions of grandeur which link personal vanity to racism or sectarianism in the service of autocracy can be found globally. #mbs is not just a narcissist but a believer in arab-islamic triumphalism. #modi ditto but paint it #hindutva. Every tyrant the same mutually exclusive delusion.
#hindutva #modi #mbs #whitesupremecy #msm #Twittergeddon