Question and Answer with the Viewers. Always More. Never Ends While the Enemy Exists!
You know you are on target when get the joke hour
posts sent by FBI and Hasbara.
#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs
#whiteculture #whitehistory #defendeurope #defendeuropa #ethnocommunity #ethnostate #whiteidentity #whites #whitemajority #nations #folk #people #westernman #westernpride #euroamericans #home #hearth #heritage #community #commongood #whitesurvival #family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs
White-Right Wing Cultural War upon Woke Diversity | We are ruled by Pedophiles and Homos
What is woke?
#Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide #WhiteHistory
#whites #whitemajority #nations #folk #people #westernman #westernculture #westernpride #euroamericans #home #hearth #heritage #community #commongood #whitesurvival #family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #whitegenocide #WhiteHistory
#Wokeness is #AntiWhite | Vote Wrong: Face Gulag under ZOG | New Party of White Needed! Today in how they hate thee ... Oh they hate thee ... For the sake of your person and Christ they hate thee!
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets
#wokeness #antiwhite #ethnostate #whiteidentity #whites #whitemajority #nations #folk #people #westernman #westernculture #westernpride #euroamericans #home #hearth #heritage #community #commongood #whitesurvival #family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets
AI On 'Racist WHITES' | #AI Enslavement Coming in the Wake of WEF MS #NWO #Censorship #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide #WhiteHistory
#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #GOP #WhitePride
#ai #nwo #censorship #home #hearth #heritage #community #commongood #whitesurvival #family #replacementmigration #whitegenocide #WhiteHistory #invasion #colorblindcucks #gop #whitepride
#WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family
#whiteidentity #whites #whitemajority #nations #folk #people #westernman #westernculture #westernpride #euroamericans #home #hearth #heritage #community #commongood #whitesurvival #family
For the last 40 years, every year, more White people have died each year than were born.
> Murder
> Low birthrate
> Iillegal immigration
> Race-mixing
Slowly our numbers are dwindling, both in the US & abroad. If this keeps up, eventually we will be extinct. That isn't a "conspiracy theory" - it's simple arthmetic!
#waronwhites #whitesurvival #whitegenocide