These are the same people who, as little as five years ago, were dressing up IN ACTUAL BLACKFACE for Halloween.
I don't live in a politically radical area, as you may gather.
Let's try this again, since I have way more followers now.
I'm looking for a female vocalist, 18+, who loves Depeche Mode, Nation Of Language and Boris Brejcha.
If you think you fit that, please reply to this with a vid of you singing 'Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth,' preferably a capella.
Here's my most famous tune:
And my most recent:
Thank you!
#whitetown #synthpop #singerswanted #musicianswanted
This afternoon I need THRUMMING INDIEPOP with SHIMMERY BACKING VOCALS so it's time for #TheUmbrellas
It's a fucking BOP!
This song makes me miss the start of #WhiteTown when we were a guitar band ripping off Sonic Youth and Michael Nesmith. 😢
#slumberlandrecords #slumberland #tweeasfuck #indiepop #whitetown #theumbrellas
My latest single on YouTube:
And on Bandcamp:
Enjoy! 😀
#WhiteTown #SynthPop #IndiePop #ElectroPop #DepressingMusic #BillyAndMontana
#billyandmontana #depressingmusic #electropop #indiepop #synthpop #whitetown
The YT vid for my new single :
Enjoy! 😀
#depressingmusic #electropop #indiepop #synthpop #whitetown
3.26am is the perfect time to saaayyy - HERE IS MY NEW SINGLE!
You know that time of night when you don't want to think about them but you do so you put the telly on to distract yourself but there's a character with the same name as them in the film and everything is sharp and cruel and unfair?
#thiscouldbethebestthing #whitetown
DO you like minimal electronic music? Well, please have a gleg at my new EP ->
:pensive_party_blob: :ablobblewobble: :ablobcatrainbow:
#bloop #bleep #acidhouse #whitetown
They are! Even though I still have a beloved #YamahaMU80 , it's not the same as the #SW60XG.
I loved it so much that I did this whole track with it back in '96 ->
#midixg #xgmidi #whitetown #sw60xg #yamahamu80
The early #WhiteTown ripped off Duffy-era #Felt soooooo much, I should have paid them royalties.
Have this festive-sounding but in fact *dour* track from me on this Crimbo Daaaaay:
Oh, and here's the original #synthpop version too:
Just cos Nat looks cute af. :ablobmeltsoblove:
#ChristmasEve2019 #whitetown #synthpop
Gonna check out of OVER-ADDICTIVE MAST for a lil bit now but please have the closest I've ever gotten to doing a Christmas song:
Recently heard Socialism, Sexism and Sexuality by @Jyoti's White Town while commuting. Surprisingly fun! Fairweather Friend and If I Had a Gun are probably my favorite cuts off it. Highly recommend! Plan on going through the rest of the discography eventually.
#WhiteTown #music #postpunk #rock #indierock #newwave #indiemusic
#indiemusic #newwave #indierock #rock #postpunk #music #whitetown
I did, ta and, fucking hell, it was sooo complimentary! It may sound soppy but I wish my Dad was still alive so I could have shown it to him. He always, always supported my music making but all the press he saw was quite negative.
Also Todd is on here -> @ToddInTheShadows
(well, I think it's him. could be three geese in a kagoule, this is the net after all.)
#toddintheshadows #yourwoman #whitetown
Great mini-documentary from the fantastic music YouTuber, Todd In The Shadows, about the one-hit-wonder, "Your Woman" by White Town.
Very much worth your time.
Also, I'd recommend subscribing to Todd's YouTube channel - as he's always interesting. I stumbled across him a while ago, due to his review of the Carpenters' "Passage" album (his tastes are very varied).
#toddintheshadows #whitetown #yourwoman
I'm very flattered by having my song on Todd In The Shadows but I'm also amazed by the amount of research he did - there's stuff in this that *I* haven't ever seen before! 😮
#toddintheshadows #onehitwonder #yourwoman #whitetown
I wouldn't be one iota sad if you did! I'm very proud of that song and the way it's connected with people for... 25 years this year! 😄
JEEZ, DAD, GET A GRIP! :eyeroll:
I find it beyond extraordinary that irascible kids are au fait with a work inspired by #WilhelmReich, #DennisPotter and #RosaLuxemburg.
:pensive_party_blob: :ablobblewobble: :ablobcatrainbow:
#whitetown #yourwoman #rosaluxemburg #dennispotter #wilhelmreich
@RobW That one shot, I lobbied for heavily as, back then, it was only Christmas once the Co-Op building lights went on.
Do you remember when all four corners were Co-Op? I miss those days!
Good, I'm old.
#coop #whitetown #yourwoman #uk #eastmidlands #derby