#LockHerUp was T****'s response to Hillary's supposed mishandling of classified information.
#Benghazi™ was all about her supposedly failing to stop an angry mob from attacking a U.S. gov't building.
#Republicans investigated Bill Clinton for YEARS b/c they believed he was having a series of affairs.
#Whitewater was the accusation the Clinton's were offered a "sweetheart real-estate deal" WHILE in office as governor of Arkansas. #GOPHypocrisy #IOKIYAR 🤦♂️
#lockherup #benghazi #republicans #whitewater #GOPHypocrisy #iokiyar
🛶 🌊 The law includes $360 billion in clean energy and climate incentives 🎣 🌎
and probably some great American #Whitewater opportunities
President Obama W.H. Chef tafari cambell drowned at Martha Vineyard. I see a repeat of Vince Foster (Clinton Atty) story coming up on #FoxNews
#whitewater #vincefoster #newscandle #murdermystery #clintons
#foxnews #whitewater #vincefoster #newscandle #murdermystery #clintons
https://www.laviezine.com/549041/vintgar-gorge-slovenia-lake-bled-summer-vacation-vlog/ VINTGAR GORGE SLOVENIA / Lake Bled Summer Vacation Vlog ##NaturalBeauty #4kVideo #beautiful #EasternEuropeTrip #GoPro11Video #hiking #LakeBledSummerVacation #nature #PlacesToTravel #RoadTrip #SummerTrip #SummerTripSpotsInEurope #trekking #TripReport #VintgarGorgeSlovenia #vlog #WhatToExpect #whitewater
#naturalbeauty #4kvideo #beautiful #easterneuropetrip #gopro11video #hiking #lakebledsummervacation #nature #placestotravel #roadtrip #summertrip #summertripspotsineurope #trekking #tripreport #vintgargorgeslovenia #vlog #whattoexpect #whitewater
But there were so many good things beyond the challenging kayaking on the trip.
We saw three bears (all at a happy distance), a mountain goat momma with her kid, eagles, and more trout than we could count.
It was warm enough and the pools in the river were deep enough that we jumped off of quite a few ledges and cliffs.
And our side hike up to a high mountain lake was glorious.
Oh! and we got into the first of the year's huckleberries!
#goats #bears #kayaking #whitewater
Well.... I got interrupted yesterday... but I still wanted to share a bit more about the trip.
The river is running unusually low for this time of year. The closest gauge (70 river miles downstream!) said it was running at 1700 cfs as we started the trip, but I'd guess that where we put in, we were floating on 200 cfs. All the tributaries quickly added to that, but it was a lot of tight, technical paddling. #Whitewater #kayaking
Returned a couple days ago from a really wonderful river trip with a couple friends (one of whom even married me...). Profoundly relaxing 5 days on a very wild and remote section of the Middle Fork of the Flathead River.
#kayaking #paddling #whitewater
It's hella #hot today, So here is a photo of some ICY cold #mountain water that I wish my feet were in right now.
The South Fork Stllaguamish River, at Granite Falls Fish Ladder, near Granite Falls Washington State
#hot #mountain #granitefalls #whitewater #photography #landscapephotography
A retired friend with his pilot’s license offered to fly us in to the grass airstrip in the middle of the Bob Marshall Wilderness. Otherwise, it’s a long hike…. More nervous about the plane than the paddling. #Montana #whitewater
#valserbach #riovalles #brixnerhütte #rifugiobressanone #fanealm #malgafane #pfundererberge #montidifundres #water #river.#whitewater #ifyourmouthdropsopenclicktheshutter #gopro #goprophotography
#valserbach #riovalles #brixnerhutte #rifugiobressanone #fanealm #malgafane #pfundererberge #montidifundres #water #river #whitewater #ifyourmouthdropsopenclicktheshutter #gopro #goprophotography
Beautiful footage of the Mad Mile, whitewater rafting and kayaking outside of Bozeman MT.
#montana #whitewater #kayak #bozeman #drone #video
#Video #drone #bozeman #kayak #whitewater #montana
Beautiful footage of the Mad Mile, whitewater rafting and kayaking outside of Bozeman MT.
#montana #whitewater #kayak #bozeman #drone #video
#Video #drone #bozeman #kayak #whitewater #montana
Phthursday Musings: Affairs of the World, 1993 https://metaspiel.substack.com/p/phthursday-musings-affairs-of-the #whitewater #wisconsin #cheaptrick #uriahheep #bbking #blueoystercult #chicagobulls #johnpaxson #belize #flamingcanadianflags
#whitewater #wisconsin #cheaptrick #uriahheep #bbking #blueoystercult #chicagobulls #johnpaxson #belize #flamingcanadianflags
Here’s the line I was most proud of—through a tight little gorge. Probably the most beautiful section of river I’ve ever gotten to paddle. #montana #kayak #whitewater
Tried running a waterfall in a packraft yesterday. I missed my line (I wanted to be on river right), but it went fine anyway. The video shows me trying to roll (didn’t stick it…swam) #kayak #whitewater
…so, the Lochsa was amazing. The biggest water I’ve paddled for sure. Launched off the top of a few big waves and got swallows by some big holes. Had to roll in the middle of a few rapids, but never missed. It’s a gorgeous river!
#Lochsa #Kayak #whitewater
I'm about to go off for a weekend running the #Lochsa in #Idaho. River is running at about 11,000 cfs, which will be some of the biggest water I've paddled. I'm ready, but I'm about sixteen degrees of nervous/excited/anxious. Here's what I'm in for:
#whitewater #kayak #idaho #lochsa
@atrupar #BillClinton was impeached because he may have perjured him in front of a grand jury (not because of #WhiteWater !) , and after a huge #Rethuglican trial by fire in front of all of congress, #HillaryClinton was found guilty of... #Benghazi , #Benghazi , #Benghazi ???
#GeorgeSantos (or whatever your name is), those were #WitchHunts !
#witchhunts #georgesantos #benghazi #hillaryclinton #rethuglican #whitewater #billclinton