#whitlam giveth and #keating taketh away.
This was all on #labor. Would love to blame the #coalition but they were just doing what they always do.
#auspol #education
#whitlam #keating #labor #coalition #auspol #education
What on earth is going on in this #Twitter header? https://twitter.com/MaxPleming
It has a lot of #ConspiracyTheory classics … but it seems to be referring to something specific?
every PM since #Whitlam and the big ☭ makes me think switching to recognizing the PRC instead of ROC … but that seems too real and not local enough…
#twitter #conspiracytheory #whitlam #auspol #cooker #cookers
These bloody parasites. #BigFour #Corruption #AusPol
In no surprise to anyone paying even cursory attention to the outsourcing of Public Service work to the big four, for-profit behemoths, Deloitte quietly mentions under questioning that they may also have, maybe, sort of, failed to manage conflict of interest. In one case. Or more. Hard to say. No comments at this time, please.
Don't worry though, they have processes to deal with these breaches and there will be a *thorough* internal investigation. The investigation will be exactly what they do best, you know, write a report and make recommendations that get put into the bottom drawer while skimming more money out of the pockets of Australian taxpayers.
The impossibility to continue to 'manage' these inevitable conflicts of divided interests (profit or public good) are plain to see and I for one am glad that #PwC was rightly pilloried for their egregious action. The question remains - what, if anything, will be done by govt (fed, state, local, community) to prevent these massive contracts being handed over to these parasites? They have agreed to change contract templates to allow them to withdraw within the life of the agreement, however this is a systemic, baked-in stitch up and it is extremely hard to avoid using them whist the #APS remains a husk of its former self.
The rot set into the #APS, arguably, since #Whitlam and has only become worse. #Howard had fever dreams about a compliant and malleable sector and withdrew security of tenure before #Morrison simply stated that the APS was there to deliver govt policy and nothing more.
Structural issues need structural solutions and this sticky, if not intractable, one will take a long time and a lot of money to 'fix'. Not holding my breath. In the meantime it would be delightful to see the other 3 of the big four go to wall here for very justifiable reasons.
#bigfour #corruption #auspol #pwc #aps #whitlam #howard #morrison
Anything ""could have" been. I do not recall the EU being a factor in the election following the dismissal. There's no evidence that it was a factor in anything else regarding the dismissal.
Why are you obsessed? Is it just another of your distractions?
#Auspol #Whitlam
Why do you ask? If you're really interested, there's plenty of information on the dismissal. I've already linked to some.
You do know, I hope, that Whitlam was instrumental in opening diplomatic relations with China. That's a substantial market.
I voted in the elections in question. At the time, I was a staunch Conservative.
The Palace was not involved in the accession of the UK into the EU, so the subject never came up in relation to the dismissal.
#Auspol #Whitlam
I don't know enough about the dismissal but does anybody who was alive or has studied the subject know whether the UK entry into the EU is considered a factor in the dismissal?
NZ managed to get an exemption for its dairy industry due to its heavy reliance on sales to the UK. Could Whitlam have got such exemptions for Australia & did #Whitlam do enough to secure new markets?
Whitlam gave women divorce, childcare and the Pill. 50 years later, is it time for another revolution? #AusPol #Whitlam https://inqld.com.au/opinion/2023/03/30/whitlam-gave-women-divorce-childcare-and-the-pill-50-years-later-is-it-time-for-another-revolution/
A Liberal-Lite ALP is more likely to retain power for a couple of elections than a radical socialist ALP.
I know a lot of people look back at #Whitlam with rose-coloured glasses but he only lasted 1071 days before losing power.
#Rudd was the leader of the #Labor party #ALP - centre left major party - the same party as #Whitlam - Rudd is more Conservative than #GoughWhitlam - but still miles to the left of the USA #Democrats
The hysterical anti-communists are in the #Liberal party #LNP and right wing minor parties (the USA needs minor parties, see image, but that's another story)
#NancyPelosi and the Clintons would probably be in the Liberal Party here?
@kirt@newsie.social @kirt@forall.social @kirt@mstdn.social @skua
#rudd #labor #alp #whitlam #goughwhitlam #democrats #liberal #lnp #nancypelosi
@Resister in the ancient times I worked at 100 William St, Sydney. The building is 300m from the coke sign. In that building at the same time worked one of life's gentlemen, #Gough Whitlam.
Frequently we'd be on the same lift coming up from parking for him and the street for me. Whenever that occurred I would say good #morning Mr #Whitlam and he never called me anything but "comrade".
#StupidityAhead #Liberals
#MichaeliaCash & #AngusTaylor are holding a press conference on the unemployment rate.
"Today we saw ominous signs in the jobs data, the early signs of a very dangerous combination … the last time we saw an extreme version of this, known as stagflation – stubbornly persistent inflation alongside job losses and unemployment – was back in 1975 under the #Whitlam government."
#AngusTaylor is an "economic genius" and before that a "renewable energy genius" ... 😆 🥂
#stupidityahead #liberals #michaeliacash #angustaylor #whitlam
#johnmenadue's @StephenWilliams
If #Whitlam and his advisers had understood #modernmonetarytheory (#MMT, although it was not formulated until decades later) there would likely have been no loans affair.
Central to MMT is the principle that a #monetarysovereignnation is one with (i) its own #currency; (ii) a #floatingexchangerate; (iii) #nosignificantborrowings in a #foreigncurrency; and (iv) its own #centralbank to create the money it needs.
#currency #johnmenadue #centralbank #foreigncurrency #nosignificantborrowings #floatingexchangerate #monetarysovereignnation #whitlam #mmt #modernmonetarytheory
This is hardly news to those who believe John Howard gave Bradman more kudos than his record deserved. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/cricket/dear-mr-fraser-don-bradman-s-extraordinary-letter-to-new-pm-20221223-p5c8m7.html?btis
#Whitlam, #Fraser, #TheDismissal, #academic, #research
#australianpolitics #whitlam #Fraser #thedismissal #academic #research
The trip that transformed Australia and China ties, five decades on - BBC News
"The ghosts of #Whitlam’s decisions continue to haunt #Australia in the country that he did so much to abort. A cagey politesse characterises the bearing of successive East #Timorese governments towards #Canberra."
#whitlam #australia #timorese #canberra
Damning. Absolutely damning. Time we stood on our own two feet.
#TheDismissal #Whitlam #Kerr #KingCharles #QueenElizabeth #auspol
#auspol #queenelizabeth #kingcharles #kerr #whitlam #thedismissal