Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 65 posts · Server

Original toot date: 29 March, 2023


- The One Who Fights Despite Adversity.

I have had a strong sense of justice for as long as I can remember. I have spoken often of my need to help others, to stand up for what I believe in, to say something when something doesn’t seem fair or right. I have often fought battles that are unpopular; animal rights and Veganism, climate action since the mid-1980’s, Indigenous rights, defending the right for Muslims to choose to wear a burqua, fighting against the proposed religious discrimination bill, speaking out against transphobia before it was cool, advocating for same-sex marriage; again before it was cool, standing up for those who have been left behind and forgotten in an ongoing pandemic the government wants us to forget about…and the list goes on.

(continued in replies)

#whoamiwednesday #adversity #equality #justice #keepgoing #staystrong #nevergiveup #neverbackdown #yougotthis #lgbt #blacklivesmatter #freedom #womensrights #transrights #disability #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #vulnerable #animalrights #govegan #iamwoman #authentic #thisisme #wearebrimbank #brimbank #eurovision

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 50 posts · Server
Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 38 posts · Server

Original toot date: 15 March, 2023

- The Egalitarian Community Member.

Over the past few weeks, I have had my motives questioned on more than one occasion; simply because I dared to post information about projects that directly impact my community. We have become a society of mistrust, not just in our government but in our fellow community members. But what is all of this based on?
Well for me, I am sure it stems from the fact that I ran in the state election last year. I mean, how dare a member of the community run in an election to represent her community and highlight issues affecting them. How dare she stand up for what she believes in. How dare she try her best to ensure we receive the funding and investment we deserve in the West. How dare she run for a party that seeks an end to speciesism!
And that is where I believe all of this really stems from - that last sentence.

(continued in reply)

#whoamiwednesday #wearecommunity #community #equalrights #egalitarian #queerrights #indigenousrights #womensrights #transrights #disabilityrights #animalrights #endracism #endspeciesm #vegan #wearebrimbank

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 36 posts · Server

Original toot date: 08 March, 2023

- International Women's Day Edition.

💼 At 19, got my first full time job followed a few months later with my first corporate job with benefits. That is when I took on the responsibility of paying my parents mortgage, after my father lost his job at Ansett and times got tough.
📢 At 25, I became one of only 150 people selected from Victoria as a youth ambassador for the Make Poverty History campaign. We joined a nation wide campaign, taking our anti-poverty message across the country, convening in Sydney and meeting with then opposition leader, Kevin Rudd.

💔 It is easy to see what we don't have or what we have lost. Yes, I have lost a job to a man that was less qualified than I. Yes, I have been a victim of sexual assault and other abuses by men. But despite my many challenges, I have done some incredible things. As a friend pointed out; it is important to reflect sometimes and take stock of what we have achieved. Remember that what you do is important and directly impacts your life and others.

💗 I am sure the women who follow or like my page, have done amazing things, even if you can't yet see it. Take a moment and celebrate what you have achieved. I would love to hear what you come up with!


#whoamiwednesday #ChooseToChallenge #internationalwomensday #women #womensupportingwomen #equalityforwomen #equalitymatters #equityforwomen #iamwomen #iamwomenhearmeroar #wearebrimbank #brimbank

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 32 posts · Server

Original toot date: 01 March, 2023

- Culture and Identity

My father was born in Libya, as were his parents, and his grandparents. My father and his family always identified as Maltese, as this is where his family originated from.
Cultural influences in his family were muddled to say the least. The family spoke 3 different languages, their food and traditions were a mixture of Arabic and Maltese, but as my father come to Australia as a child, he had also learned the traditions and customs of Australia. In fact, since becoming an Australian Citizen in the mid 80’s, my father has identified simply as Australian.
This made it extremely difficult to find my cultural identity as a child. I was too Maltese for the Arabs and too Arabic for the Maltese. I was also too Aussie for both of them, but too ethnic for the Australians - even though my mother is 5th generation Australian with English heritage.
Culture days at school were particularly difficult; if I chose to celebrate my Maltese culture, then the Maltese kids would tell me I was not Maltese because my Dad wasn’t born there. If I chose to celebrate that my Dad was born in Libya, the kids retorted that I was not African. But I wanted to celebrate this heritage. I wanted to feel like I belong to these cultures and celebrate their unique attributes.

Read the full story here 👇

#whoamiwednesday #wearebrimbank #brimbank #culture #inclusion #diversity #CulturalIdentity #diversitymatters #diversityandinclusion #maltese #malta

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 26 posts · Server

Original toot date: 15 February, 2023

- The Animal Lover.

I have always had an affinity for animals. As a kid, I just loved being with animals, either petting them or just being in their magnificent presence. I always wanted a dog growing up, but my parents could not afford to keep a dog - so when I was 13, my parents took me to El Dorado in Laverton North to get a chicken. I called my chicken Francesca after my Nonno (Francesco).

I loved Francesca so much and would spend all my free time with her. When I come home from school, she would hear the front door open and come running down the backyard to the glass back door, waiting for me to come outside and spend some time with her. We would walk around the yard together, cuddle, and in our own special way; even communicate with one another.

One evening, I was outside with Francesca saying goodnight to her when Mum called me in for dinner. On the table was a roast chicken. I don’t know why it hadn't dawned on me before, but that night, I realised that what I was about to eat was the same animal as my beloved Francesca.

Full story here 👇

#whoamiwednesday #animallovers #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #vegan #vegans #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #animallover #doglover #rabbit #horse #pony

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 20 posts · Server

Original toot date: 08 February, 2023

When I was 8, I asked my Dad for an allowance. Allowances were rare then & my folks couldn't afford to give me one. Dad asked me why I needed it; I said I wanted to save $20 before my 1st Communion, that I couldn't tell him what for, but it wasn't for anything 'bad'. Dad agreed to give me $2 a week.
When I reached my goal, he swapped my coins for a $20 note & I excitedly folded it & placed it in an old jewellery gift box.
On the day of my communion, I placed the little brown jewellery box in my small white bag & secured it. After the ceremony, I told my folks to wait as I headed back inside. I went to Fr. Borg, took out the $20 from the little jewellery box & handed it to Fr. Borg. I told him I'd been saving hard & asked him to give the $20 to the 'poor'. I didn't know how to help people who were struggling; I only knew I wanted to help.
This began my passion for philanthropy & volunteering - something I have never stopped doing, no matter how difficult it become.
I signed up for the 40hr Famine at school; the kids event was officially only 8 hours for under 12s, but I insisted on doing the full 48 hours because I felt it was the only way to understand the hunger children in Africa felt.
I've never ceased this giving spirit - in fact it's a big part of who I am. I've always been of the belief that you can always help someone in need; if not financially, then through assistance, volunteering or just being there.

#whoamiwednesday #whoami #storyofmylife #storyofme #thisisme

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
19 followers · 118 posts · Server

- The One Who Fights Despite Adversity.

I have had a strong sense of justice for as long as I can remember. I have spoken often of my need to help others, to stand up for what I believe in, to say something when something doesn’t seem fair or right. I have often fought battles that are unpopular; animal rights and Veganism, climate action since the mid-1980’s, Indigenous rights, defending the right for Muslims to choose to wear a burqua, fighting against the proposed religious discrimination bill, speaking out against transphobia before it was cool, advocating for same-sex marriage; again before it was cool, standing up for those who have been left behind and forgotten in an ongoing pandemic the government wants us to forget about…and the list goes on.


(continued in replies)

#whoamiwednesday #adversity #equality #justice #keepgoing #staystrong #nevergiveup #neverbackdown #yougotthis #lgbt #blacklivesmatter #freedom #womensrights #transrights #disability #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #vulnerable #animalrights #govegan #iamwoman #authentic #thisisme #wearebrimbank #brimbank #eurovision

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
18 followers · 95 posts · Server
Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
16 followers · 78 posts · Server

- The Egalitarian Community Member.
Over the past few weeks, I have had my motives questioned on more than one occasion; simply because I dared to post information about projects that directly impact my community. We have become a society of mistrust, not just in our government but in our fellow community members. But what is all of this based on?
Well for me, I am sure it stems from the fact that I ran in the state election last year. I mean, how dare a member of the community run in an election to represent her community and highlight issues affecting them. How dare she stand up for what she believes in. How dare she try her best to ensure we receive the funding and investment we deserve in the West. How dare she run for a party that seeks an end to speciesism!
And that is where I believe all of this really stems from - that last sentence.

#whoamiwednesday #wearecommunity #community #equalrights #egalitarian #queerrights #indigenousrights #womensrights #transrights #disabilityrights #animalrights #endracism #endspeciesm #vegan #wearebrimbank

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
12 followers · 62 posts · Server

- Culture and Identity

My father was born in Libya, as were his parents, and his grandparents. My father and his family always identified as Maltese, as this is where his family originated from.
Cultural influences in his family were muddled to say the least. The family spoke 3 different languages, their food and traditions were a mixture of Arabic and Maltese, but as my father come to Australia as a child, he had also learned the traditions and customs of Australia. In fact, since becoming an Australian Citizen in the mid 80’s, my father has identified simply as Australian.
This made it extremely difficult to find my cultural identity as a child. I was too Maltese for the Arabs and too Arabic for the Maltese. I was also too Aussie for both of them, but too ethnic for the Australians - even though my mother is 5th generation Australian with English heritage. Culture days at school were particularly difficult; if I chose to celebrate my Maltese culture, then the Maltese kids would tell me I was not Maltese because my Dad wasn’t born there. If I chose to celebrate that my Dad was born in Libya, the kids retorted that I was not African. But I wanted to celebrate this heritage. I wanted to feel like I belong to these cultures and celebrate their unique attributes.

Read the full story here 👇

#whoamiwednesday #wearebrimbank #brimbank #culture #inclusion #diversity #CulturalIdentity #diversitymatters #diversityandinclusion #maltese #malta

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
11 followers · 57 posts · Server

- The Filmmaker

I realised there was so much more to a photo than snapping an image. There was a thought process, elements that come together to create something beautiful, but most importantly - there was a story.

Full story here 👇

#whoamiwednesday #wearebrimbank #iambrimbank #brimbank #lifeofafilmmaker #filmmaker #independentfilmmaker #mumbai #venice #bollywood #parmishverma #neorealism #italy #india #CRC #swimburne #photography

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
8 followers · 45 posts · Server

- The Animal Lover.

I have always had an affinity for animals. As a kid, I just loved being with animals, either petting them or just being in their magnificent presence. I always wanted a dog growing up, but my parents could not afford to keep a dog - so when I was 13, my parents took me to El Dorado in Laverton North to get a chicken. I called my chicken Francesca after my Nonno (Francesco).

I loved Francesca so much and would spend all my free time with her. When I come home from school, she would hear the front door open and come running down the backyard to the glass back door, waiting for me to come outside and spend some time with her. We would walk around the yard together, cuddle, and in our own special way; even communicate with one another.
One evening, I was outside with Francesca saying goodnight to her when Mum called me in for dinner. On the table was a roast chicken. I don’t know why it hadn't dawned on me before, but that night, I realised that what I was about to eat was the same animal as my beloved Francesca.

Full story here 👇

#whoamiwednesday #animallovers #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #vegan #vegans #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #animallover #doglover #rabbit #horse #pony

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
6 followers · 34 posts · Server

When I was 8, I asked my Dad for an allowance. Allowances were rare then & my folks couldn't afford to give me one. Dad asked me why I needed it; I said I wanted to save $20 before my 1st Communion, that I couldn't tell him what for, but it wasn't for anything 'bad'. Dad agreed to give me $2 a week.
When I reached my goal, he swapped my coins for a $20 note & I excitedly folded it & placed it in an old jewellery gift box.
On the day of my communion, I placed the little brown jewellery box in my small white bag & secured it. After the ceremony, I told my folks to wait as I headed back inside. I went to Fr. Borg, took out the $20 from the little jewellery box & handed it to Fr. Borg. I told him I'd been saving hard & asked him to give the $20 to the 'poor'. I didn't know how to help people who were struggling; I only knew I wanted to help.
This began my passion for philanthropy & volunteering - something I have never stopped doing, no matter how difficult it become.
I signed up for the 40hr Famine at school; the kids event was officially only 8 hours for under 12s, but I insisted on doing the full 48 hours because I felt it was the only way to understand the hunger children in Africa felt.
I've never ceased this giving spirit - in fact it's a big part of who I am. I've always been of the belief that you can always help someone in need; if not financially, then through assistance, volunteering or just being there.

#whoamiwednesday #whoami #storyofmylife #storyofme #thisisme

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
6 followers · 34 posts · Server

When I was 8, I asked my Dad for an allowance. Allowances were rare then & my folks couldn't afford to give me one. Dad asked me why I needed it; I said I wanted to save $20 before my 1st Communion, that I couldn't tell him what for, but it wasn't for anything 'bad'. Dad agreed to give me $2 a week.
When I reached my goal, he swapped my coins for a $20 note & I excitedly folded it & placed it in an old jewellery gift box.
On the day of my communion, I placed the little brown jewellery box in my small white bag & secured it. After the ceremony, I told my folks to wait as I headed back inside. I went to Fr. Borg, took out the $20 from the little jewellery box & handed it to Fr. Borg. I told him I'd been saving hard & asked him to give the $20 to the 'poor'. I didn't know how to help people who were struggling; I only knew I wanted to help.
This began my passion for philanthropy & volunteering - something I have never stopped doing, no matter how difficult it become.
I signed up for the 40hr Famine at school; the kids event was officially only 8 hours for under 12s, but I insisted on doing the full 48 hours because I felt it was the only way to understand the hunger children in Africa felt.
I've never ceased this giving spirit - in fact it's a big part of who I am. I've always been of the belief that you can always help someone in need; if not financially, then through assistance, volunteering or just being there.

#whoamiwednesday #whoami #storyofmylife #storyofme #thisisme

Last updated 2 years ago