🤝Engaging and💪empowering local #communities and stakeholders in emergencies preparedness, readiness and response.
📌Never before, #CommunityEngagement has been a priority public health intervention in #HealthEmergencies.
#WHOEurope #WHEBalkanHub #WHOPristinaOffice #RCCE
#communities #communityengagement #healthemergencies #whoeurope #whebalkanhub #whopristinaoffice #rcce
⚙️Tools like #NAPHS bring health security into the 🔦 spotlight.
✅ They help countries assess their
capabilities, focus on critical activities and detail important steps to ensure #HealthSecurity for our citizens and communities.
#naphs #healthsecurity #unitedactionforbetterhealth #whoeurope #whebalkanhub
✍️ Learning and ▶️ working with National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) to ensure #WesternBalkans can protect its people from disease threats.
📝 Lessons learned from the #COVID19 pandemic and other health emergencies highlighted the need to strengthen #IHR2005 capacities.
#WesternBalkans #COVID19 #ihr2005 #whebalkanhub #whoeurope
📌 Participants shared practical experience from across countries and areas on what works and provided recommendations for the most effective RCCE-IM planning approaches to controll #health #emergencies.
#WHOImpact #HealthForAll #WHOEurope #WHEBalkanHub #UnitedActionForBetterHealth
#health #emergencies #whoimpact #healthforall #whoeurope #whebalkanhub #unitedactionforbetterhealth
✅ Supporting #RiskCommunication, #CommunityEngagement and #InfodemicManagement (RCCE-IM) planning for health emergencies in the Western Balkans.
👉 Evidence-based RCCE-IM is crucial to effective health emergency response, which protects health and saves lives.
#WHOEurope #WHEBalkanHub #WHE #RCCE #IM #UnitedActionForBetterHealth
#riskcommunication #communityengagement #infodemicmanagement #whoeurope #whebalkanhub #whe #rcce #im #unitedactionforbetterhealth
📢 A new era for respiratory pathogen pandemic preparedness
👉 World Health Organization’s 🆕 #PRET (preparedness and resilience for emerging threats) Initiative helps countries better prepare for future epidemics and pandemics building on 📕 lessons learned from the #COVID19 #pandemic
#WHOEurope #WHEBalkanHub #WHOImpact #WesternBalkans #ProudToBeWHO
#pret #COVID19 #pandemic #whoeurope #whebalkanhub #whoimpact #WesternBalkans #proudtobewho #unitedactionforbetterhealth
▶️ Such a great opportunity to have joined and talked about #RiskCommunication, #CommunityEngagement and #InfodemicManagement in the framework of #CommunityProtection in World Health Organization's first respiratory pathogen pandemic preparedness meeting in #Istanbul 🇹🇷
#WHO #WHOEurope #WHEBalkanHub
#riskcommunication #communityengagement #infodemicmanagement #communityprotection #istanbul #who #whoeurope #whebalkanhub #unitedactionforbetterhealth