We spoke to @adampally about his new comedy #WhoInvitedCharlie which is laugh on the floor funny and a MUST SEE... then we discussed one of my fav @hbomax shows #101PlacesToParty (which needs a season 2) as well. Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Gsx4z6RKAKYTnnuRpSJlz?si=jNRRBWrDSgGVrjBBL817bw
#101placestoparty #whoinvitedcharlie
Watch the video version of our interview with @mrreidscott about #WhoInvitedCharlie and his other upcoming projects here: https://youtu.be/iUIuKlfBS2M
We spoke with @mrreidscott about his hilarious movie #WhoInvitedCharlie (its a must-watch) and shooting those final scenes for #TheMarvelousMrsMaisel check out what he had to say here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7pYD3760mF2yTxsJbi4kKK?si=p7Xpo1nKTeuQtF5K88PGmg
#themarvelousmrsmaisel #whoinvitedcharlie