Bon, elle se trompe bien sur ce qu'imposent les #RFC
La même : « l'anonymisation de #whois met en danger nos démocraties »
#whois #nddcamp #nomsdedomaine
Comme elle cite le cas, je note que le registre du .blog a un serveur #whois qui, pour un domaine qui n'existe plus, donne la date de la suppression.
@deilann The problem is that proactive screening of signups doesn't really work and demaning it would most likely just be weaoinized to demand all social networks to instate "ID Verification" instead...
Which is a terrible idea for more reasons than it could 'fix'...
I'd only thing that works is #moderation and enforcement of rules...
Personally, I'd rather deny-list all #Freemailers and #eMail from #Domains that have #WHOIS #privacy or are known for #Spamming instead.
#spamming #Privacy #whois #domains #Email #freemailers #Moderation
Because #KumaUptime doesn’t support Domain expiration monitor yet, I’ve developed a workflow using #n8n to do just that!
The workflow obtains the list of domains I have from #Cloudflare and performs a #whois lookup via terminal, massage the output and voilà!
#kumauptime #n8n #cloudflare #whois
Sérieux, #infomaniak ils font payer l'anonymisation du #whois, j'en reviens pas.
2,4€ / an !
#W3C proposal ... just a passing thought, but I'm serious.
Every bot that is allowed to access or explore the #WorldWideWeb must be registered to a human responsible for it, with the registration info contained in a publicly accessible format (same as #WhoIs data for domains) and perhaps directly in a pbulicly-visible section of the code.
That means every single Google search-index-building web crawler, all the way up to the various #ChatGPT things.
Yes ... probably waaay too late to put this Genie back in the bottle, but that is the way all AI and autonomous agents should be handled ... when any kind of bot screws up something, you should be able to easily identify the human(s) responsible, for the lawsuits, etc.
#w3c #WorldWideWeb #whois #chatgpt
Aside fron #GoDaddy buying up other hosters like #DomainFavtory and then literally #doxxing their clients via their #WHOIS which only protects #Spammers and not bona-fide users!
#spammers #whois #doxxing #domainfavtory #GoDaddy が #Musk のものかどうか #Whois では確認できません。この #domain が7/3 に update されてもいません。
この #domain は #GoDaddy が管理しており、そのWhoisは
Domain Name:
Updated Date: 2017-07-05T16:02:43Z
Creation Date: 1993-04-02T00:00:00Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2026-10-20T14:56:17Z
Registrar:, LLC
Registrant Name: Registration Private
Registrant Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC
#Cloudflare の ipの範囲。
#x #musk #whois #domain #godaddy #cloudflare #prattohome
Dear Lazyverse,
When was the X .org #DomainName *first* registered?
#Whois says it was 1997, but #X11 was definitely around a few years before that.
We support over 500 top-level #domains (TLDs)👉
Making it easier than ever to find the domain names that truly reflect your brand identity, and as an added bonus WHOIS domain privacy protection with auto-renewal is now available for free across all DNSimple plans 😉 #tlds #domains #registrar #whois #dev #app #registrar #branding
#domains #tlds #registrar #whois #dev #app #branding
@jonkloske is #Google that criminally incompetent to not re-check #WHOIS or did your IP adress changed and your ISP acquired some off-region?
Cuz AFAIK it's not legal within IANA to just take APNIC IP ranges and use them in ARIN territory as that would violate the RIRs reason to exist in the first place.
@coltofox yeah, I had similar issues ages ago.
#Microsoft are real assholes for being one of the 3 biggest providers (#GMail & #YahooMail are the others) that do demand a shitton from #eMail #hosters yet don't even react to #Spam reports...
Worse are only #GoDaddy that refuse to provide any #WHOIS nor react upon #AbuseReports at all...
#abusereports #whois #GoDaddy #spam #hosters #Email #yahoomail #Gmail #Microsoft
@chbmeyer @Hans @ct_Magazin @reticuleena @kuketzblog @digitalcourage Würe nicht schlecht...
Wichtig: Dabei #WHOIS und #DNS-Records abchecken um z.B. #eMail-Server zu finden...
#whois #ccTLDs Belgian (.be) Registry Removes Phones Numbers From Public Whois
@Cosmix @amy your concern is valid.
The only winning move in terms of #GDPR is not to collect any data nor store and process it.
Otherwise one would've to pay $$$$ to spechalized lawyers just to check compliance.
Sadly #Geoblocking was allowed for that!
Needless to say anti-Pr0n / anti-Sw laws are inherent facist bs.
For Domains and DNS, I can recommend #ClouDNS which also offer #WHOIS #privacy wherever technically or legally possible.
#Privacy #whois #ClouDNS #Geoblocking #gdpr
With over 500 top-level #domains (TLDs) supported, find the domain names that truly reflect your brand identity. As an added bonus WHOIS domain privacy protection with auto-renewal is now available for free 😉 👉 #domain #registrar #whois #dev #app #domains
#domains #domain #registrar #whois #dev #app
It has been brought to my attention that #Fosstodon is behind a #CloudFlare. I didn't believe this but the #whois records seem to confirm this. This is unacceptable and I am probably going to change instances soon. Wish me luck!
The control that #CloudFlare is holding over the #WWW is scary and it seems harder and harder to escape its grasp.
#fosstodon #cloudflare #whois #www #mastodon #centralization #ddos