Der Dinkelsauerteig hat am Wochenende wieder spitzenmäßig performt. Brühstück aus altem Roggenbrötchen und Pita, dazu Dinkelvollkornmehl und die üblichen Verdächtigen: Salz, Malz, Rübensirup und Öl.
#leckeressen #lecker #essen #delicious #deliciousfood #food #backen #baking #bakingbread #bread #brotbacken #brot #vollkorn #vollkornbrot #wholegrain #wholegrains #wholegrainbread #spelt #shotonfairphone #speltbread #dinkel #dinkelbrot #küche #kitchen #kueche
#leckeressen #lecker #essen #delicious #deliciousfood #food #backen #baking #bakingbread #bread #brotbacken #brot #vollkorn #vollkornbrot #wholegrain #wholegrains #wholegrainbread #spelt #shotonfairphone #speltbread #dinkel #dinkelbrot #kuche #kitchen #kueche
Some people with fatty liver
Turn to resistant starches to deliver
The chance to stay healthy
Though they eat beans and wheal
As a way to often quiver
#fattyliver #resistantstarch #beans #wholegrains #healthyeating #limerick #poetry
#fattyliver #resistantstarch #beans #wholegrains #healthyeating #limerick #poetry
The study found apparent benefits in ‘a Mediterranean diet, which is rich in #fruits, #vegetables, #WholeGrains, and #HealthyFats’.
#MediterraneanDiet may lower dementia risk by a quarter, study suggests | #Dementia | The Guardian
#dementia #mediterraneandiet #healthyfats #wholegrains #vegetables #fruits
Today’s adventures in sourdough Cinnamon, raisin, walnut, whole wheat sourdough #Sourdough #SourdoughBread #SourdoughBaking #Vegan #AccidentlyVegan #VeganBaking #Bread #BreadBaking #HomeBaking #WholeGrains #Baking
#baking #wholegrains #homebaking #breadbaking #bread #veganbaking #accidentlyvegan #Vegan #sourdoughbaking #sourdoughbread #sourdough
Millet with turmeric topped with tomato, cucumber, edamame, red pepper and roasted onion, fennel and asparagus #lunch #VeganLunch #Vegan #VeganFood #WholeGrains #millet #RainbowFoods
#rainbowfoods #millet #wholegrains #veganfood #Vegan #veganlunch #lunch
Latest study, same finding: “People who more carefully followed any of the #healthy #eating patterns — which all share a focus on consuming more #wholegrains, #fruits, #vegetables, #nuts and #legumes — were also less likely to die from #cancer, #cardiovascular illness, and #respiratory and #neurodegenerative disease.” #plantbaseddiet #plantbasedfoods #plantbased
#plantbased #plantbasedfoods #plantbaseddiet #Neurodegenerative #respiratory #cardiovascular #cancer #legumes #nuts #vegetables #fruits #wholegrains #eating #healthy
“Eating a #plantbaseddiet rich in #vegetables, #wholegrains, #nuts and #legumes can reduce the risk of #bowelcancer in men by more than a fifth, according to research. A large study that involved 79,952 US-based men found that those who ate the largest amounts of healthy #plantbasedfoods had a 22% lower risk of bowel cancer compared with those who ate the least.”
#plantbasedfoods #Bowelcancer #legumes #nuts #wholegrains #vegetables #plantbaseddiet
“It is now clear that some #diets are particularly good for the brain. One recent study concludes that sticking to the “#MediterraneanDiet”, high in #vegetables, fruit, #pulses and #wholegrains, low in red and processed meats and saturated fats, decreases the chances of experiencing #strokes, #cognitiveimpairment and #depression.” #plantbased #plantbaseddiet
#plantbaseddiet #plantbased #Depression #CognitiveImpairment #strokes #wholegrains #Pulses #vegetables #mediterraneandiet #diets
Simple Diet Changes Can Increase Energy
We love the outdoors and remember when we couldn’t wait to throw on some shorts and go shoot some hoops or ride a bike around the neighborhood but now, we just don’t have the energy. Long work days, stress and the daily grind just seem t
#diet #exercise #food #wellness #chicken #copper #dairyproducts #eggs #fish #iodine #Leanmeat #lowfat #nuts #phosphorous #seeds #wholegrains #yogurt #zinc
#diet #exercise #food #wellness #chicken #copper #dairyproducts #eggs #fish #iodine #Leanmeat #lowfat #nuts #phosphorous #seeds #wholegrains #yogurt #zinc
8 Ways #brownrice benefits your health #wholegrains
#Wholegrains can help improve #brainhealth and #memory in older adults
#Memory #brainhealth #wholegrains
8 Ways #brownrice benefits your health #wholegrains