It's been a rainy, chilly day, so perfect for more (freezer) baking. Wholemeal sunflower seed rolls, today.
265g water
12g fresh yeast
200g strong white bread flour
200g wholemeal bread flour
8g salt
50g sunflower seeds plus extra for topping (around 25-30g)
30g honey
10g olive oil
Very fine-tasting bread indeed.
#homebaking #breadrolls #bread #sunflowerseeds #wholemeal #bakewithjack
Today I followed the same long #fermentation recipe as last time. Unfortunately, my new bake isn't as asexy as the last loaf, which rose much higher. I did only a few things differently:
- I left out raisins; it's already tasty enough w/o them
- I forgot to prepare the scalded flour in the first evening. Thus I had to prepare it 30min before mixing the main dough. I don't think this made much of a difference, though
- I spent less time preparing the main dough. Last time I kneaded a bit during a Zoom meeting, before I put the dough into the fridge
- Last time, I probably incorporated more water while kneading. Today's dough felt a bit drier
- I accidentally used more sourdough starter AND more salt. It didn't really change much baking-wise, but today's bread has a stronger taste (which I liked!). Perhaps the additional salt compensated the additional sourdough starter in terms of the fermentation speed.
Overall, today's bread turned out quite delicious again! Regardless of that, maybe I will try out a different recipe next time. I still have my very own #FediBread #challenge (i.e. bake a tasty bread according to the results of the poll
#bread #veganBaking #sourdough #spelt #Dinkel #Vollkorn #wholeMeal @teamsauerteig
#fermentation #fedibread #challenge #bread #veganbaking #sourdough #spelt #dinkel #vollkorn #wholemeal
Pairing wholemeal spelt sourdough bread with feta cheese and leatherwood honey.
#sourdough #sourdougbread #spelt #wholemeal #dinkel #vollkorn #germanbread #sauerteig #hongkong
#sourdough #sourdougbread #spelt #wholemeal #dinkel #vollkorn #germanbread #sauerteig #hongkong
A friend had given me some flour; he said it was 00 flour but it looked more like wholemeal flour. So, I went for a 320gr water to 500gr flour ratio, because that should work for both types of flour.
I also went for the no-knead option, just mixing it and giving it 3x30 minutes of resting, after which I shaped the breads and let them rest for 42 minutes.
I preheated the oven to 250C/482F & baked them for 20 minutes at 230C/446F.
It tastes grand.
#baguettes #wholemeal #homebakedbread
Here the crumb: ~60% wholemeal wheat, 8% millet(fresh milled), rye(starter)-roux, SFB.
Leavened by Lievito Madre in an adapted salt-sour-process. 16+ hrs cold proofing. No additional yeast-pure sourdough bread.
#sourdough #sauerteig #lievitomadre #wholemeal #food #bread #germanbread #homebaker
#sourdough #sauerteig #lievitomadre #wholemeal #food #bread #germanbread #homebaker