100% wholemeal spelt sourdough with ~15% sweet potatoes. Leavened by Lievito Madre in a salt-our way. Final proofing for 16-ish hours at 5C.
Great bread, lovely crumb but the sweet potatoes killed a bit of spelt taste. For pure spelt taste psyllium husk is way better b/c a tiny amount soakes up lots of water without influencing the flour taste.
#speltbread #dinkelbrot #lievitomadre #sourdough #sauerteigbrot #germanbread #wholemealbread @teamsauerteig
#speltbread #dinkelbrot #lievitomadre #sourdough #sauerteigbrot #germanbread #wholemealbread
Here the wholemeal rye sourdough bread with inactive rye malt and seeds (pumpkin&sunflower).
It’s 100% rye! Leavened by rye starter in the salt-sour process (without yeast).
Because rye is very sticky after baking I let it rest for 36hours before slicing. Now the moisture is distributed evenly and the crumb does not stick to the knife.
#sourdough #ryesourdough #wholemealbread #food #sauerteig #Roggensauerteig #homebaker #hk #hongkong #shatin #germanbread
#sourdough #ryesourdough #wholemealbread #food #sauerteig #roggensauerteig #homebaker #hk #hongkong #shatin #germanbread
I really like this one!
My first wholemeal* sourdough loaf bread; slightly dark but that's how I like it anyway.
Another first: a while ago I saw an Instagram clip, where someone tied four pieces of baker's string around the dough just before it went into the oven. It seemed doable and though it took me quite a bit longer to tie up the dough, it was easy enough to do, and the bread does look festive.
*A 50/50 mix of wholemeal & strong bread flour.
#StringTheory #wholemealbread #sourdoughbread