Seems there was a glitch on a popular astrology app this morning as I was able to view what is usually 'premium' aka pay to access content. I'm a little confused as it appears that in their explanations for aspects in the natal chart, they have included all aspects between signs, regardless of the degree.
For example, they've written that I have Saturn sextile my Ascendant. However if you actually look at the degrees of those planets in my chart, Saturn is at 11'34° Aqua and my ASC is 25'47° Sag. Yes, Sagittarius and Aquarius are sextile one another as signs but as an aspect that's an orb of over 14°. This is pushing it a lot, no? And it's the same across all the provided aspects. I definitely wouldn't have thought that an orb that wide, especially one that doesn't even involve a luminary, would have any impact at all.
I've never seen this before, in my reading over the years what I've learned is quite the contrary, anything over 8° at a stretch but generally focusing on 3° and under for the most part. It's possible I'm missing something, are there other astrology enthusiasts/professionals out there that do things differently?
I guess I'm relieved that I didn't waste my money on the app, as I've considered it may a time as I generally like the information provided, but I would have been really disappointed had I paid what I consider to be an expensive price for an app and seen that this is what was included.
#astrology #Aspects #wholesign