📷 "Hunky Jesus Contest" entrant at the "Annual Easter in the Park Free Party" in #DoloresPark (2014).
The contest is just one part of the all ages event put on by #SistersOfPerpetualIndulgence (#SPI).
"The Sisters" are celebrating their 44th Anniversary today; the Party is about 30 years old.
SPI in a non-profit and raises funds for #LGBTQ+ causes.
📷 #AkshaySawhney via #TheBoldItalic @ #Medium
#SanFrancisco #Events #OnlyInSF #WholesomeEntertainment #TheMission #TheCastro
#thecastro #themission #wholesomeentertainment #onlyinsf #events #sanfrancisco #lgbtq #spi #medium #thebolditalic #akshaysawhney #sistersofperpetualindulgence #dolorespark