Returning to the corporate world in March 2020 (my timing perfect as usual) I realised that no matter how much the #SayWhatYouPay crowd boasted about paying, it would never make any financial sense for me to rely on any of it, ever again.
And knowing I was very pointedly *not* #WhomDoYouChoose meant that I withdrew my efforts accordingly.
The issue is, I’m not alone. We’re haemorrhaging talent and this is why. The people who matter think we’re not worth keeping.
#saywhatyoupay #whomdoyouchoose
Meanwhile, in Irish Writer Land, a well-intentioned organisation called Match in the Dark has started a #SayWhatYouPay hashtag in which publishers and lit mags are invited to openly list their advances and pay rates.
But IMO the hashtag they should *really* be using is #WhomDoYouChoose, because that’s the real source of corrosion in this culture. Whom, and why?
#saywhatyoupay #whomdoyouchoose