This training aimed to equip #healthworkers with knowledge, skills, confidence and resources to assist in recommending #COVID19 and #HPV vaccines.
Participants were provided training on the #motivational #interviewing approach to structure #interpersonal #communication with people.
#VaccinesWork #VaccinesSaveLives #RCCE #HealthWorkers #Pharmacists #ProudToBeWHO #WHOMontenegro #HealthForAll
#healthworkers #COVID19 #hpv #motivational #interviewing #interpersonal #communication #vaccineswork #vaccinessavelives #rcce #pharmacists #proudtobewho #whomontenegro #healthforall
Supported from #USAID Montenegro and hosted by Dr Mina Brajovic of #WHOMontenegro, the #WHEBalkanHub teamed up with VPI to deliver a two-day training module to equip health workers with knowledge, skills, confidence and resources in recommending #COVID19, #Flu & #HPV #vaccination.
#usaid #whomontenegro #whebalkanhub #COVID19 #flu #hpv #vaccination
Honoured to have helped organize & co-facilitate a training module on #vaccine #communication of HCWs in Podgorica, with my esteemed colleague from WHO Regional Office for Europe's VPI Team, Sahil Warsi.
#VaccinesWork #VaccinesSavesLives #RCCE #WHEBalkanHub #WHOMontenegro #MinistarstvoZdravljaCrneGore #InstitutZaJavnoZdravljeCrneGore
#vaccine #communication #vaccineswork #vaccinessaveslives #rcce #whebalkanhub #whomontenegro #ministarstvozdravljacrnegore #institutzajavnozdravljecrnegore
Learn more from #WHO Regional Office for Europe's newly-published implementation guidance: “Advancing #InfodemicManagement in #RiskCommunication and #CommunityEngagement in the WHO European Region” 👉 #ProudToBeWHO #WHEBalkanHub #WHOMontenegro #RCCE #digitalhealth #HealthLiteracy #HealthInformation #preparedness 4/4
#who #infodemicmanagement #riskcommunication #communityengagement #proudtobewho #whebalkanhub #whomontenegro #rcce #digitalhealth #healthliteracy #healthinformation #preparedness
Learn more from #WHO Regional Office for Europe's newly-published implementation guidance: “Advancing #InfodemicManagement in #RiskCommunication and #CommunityEngagement in the WHO European Region” 👉
#ProudToBeWHO #WHEBalkanHub #WHOMontenegro #RCCE #digitalhealth #HealthLiteracy #HealthInformation #preparedness
#who #infodemicmanagement #riskcommunication #communityengagement #proudtobewho #whebalkanhub #whomontenegro #rcce #digitalhealth #healthliteracy #healthinformation #preparedness