#RejectedSongBookOrMovieTitles #HashtagGames #WhoMovedMyCheese
Who Cut The Cheese?
#whomovedmycheese #HashtagGames #rejectedsongbookormovietitles
@industrialartifact @mos_8502 @lopta
There's something freeing about not doing #careers.
No single industry will dictate our path. We won't feel limited to only* applying for certain #jobs or roles.
Gotta be willing* to pivot. Don't insist on staying in 1 area.
For me, it's better to be a #JackOfAllTrades than a long-time master* at something that doesn't cover our needs + comfort. #work #employment #gigs
#careers #jobs #whomovedmycheese #jackofalltrades #work #employment #gigs
After a bit of a rocky week I finished work at lunchtime, walked into town and spent some time looking around my favourite charity shops. Something about stepping in from a rainy street to a warm space full of positivity and possibility really calms me.
Found a couple of snuggly jumpers plus I couldn't resist these beauties!
Best to be prepared, right?! ๐
#CharityShop #Thrifting #Secondhand #WhoMovedMyCheese #Books #MerryChristmasToMe
#charityshop #thrifting #secondhand #whomovedmycheese #books #merrychristmastome
For those who teach research to undergrads: Remember how frustrating it is to teach them how to conduct online library research? Remember how quickly students will throw up their arms in despair and insist that there aren't any peer reviewed articles about Emily Dickinson in Galileo? #learning
#learning #newtechnology #whomovedmycheese #itwillallbeok #pardonmyprogress